Space for mod related issues
The RoadTripNG mod is the easiest to test this issue. The only dependency that it has is the CF mod
Hello RedFalcon.
We will need the exact car mod where this issue is reproducible.
We also need as few as possible mods dependent on it so we can easily reproduce the issue.
Any update to this?
I was trying to spawn a new Player with Man man = g_Game.CreatePlayer(ident, old.GetType(), old.GetPosition(), 0, "NONE");, then kill the old player in the DB and select the new player and move all items and stats over to the new player. The problem is, that I now get an error when saving the new player, because the playerID and charID is not set when the player was created like this. When I respawn, it works fine, so there must be something, that is executed in the engine to set the playerID and the charID on respawn, which doesn't seem to happen anywhere in the scripts.
Wed, Mar 26
Tue, Mar 25
Fri, Mar 21
Even when you inherit RestCallback in an empty class and create an instance of it, it seems to be leaking
THIS!!! <3
Thu, Mar 20
Hello AlexWorkgroup.
Don't call SetOrientation, SetPosition or SetTransform on physically simulated objects.
Wed, Mar 19
@lava76 indeed that case crashes on linux. I've debugged that in an older version of and the mod was rewritten to use proper constructors and super calls as you would do it in c++, which fixed the segfault. The original constructor was in the form as mentioned above, rather simple, some variables in the child class, and the access to the base class segfaulted.
There is no such thing as an uninitialized variable in EnforceScript. All variables are initialized to a default on declaration if there is no direct assignment (bool false, float 0.0, int 0 , string "", vector "0 0 0", anything other NULL), and this is a core language feature. Think Java/C#, not C/C++. The above example is valid code and completely fine. If that indeed crashes under Linux(?), that's a bug that needs to be fixed on that platform.
Tue, Mar 18
Hello, Unfortunately there is no Estimate I can provide.
Mon, Mar 17
Can you share me some ETA?
We'd be very happy if this bug will be fixed in the upcoming update.
Because of this bug the development of one of our mods is put on pause.
Hello, please contact BattlEye directly at Also please check their FAQ page:
Sun, Mar 16
Well. Figured it out. JsonSerializer seems to silentrly create strong ref inside of it. If we change m_ApiClient.GetSerializer() -> new JsonSerializer(). It works as expected.
Sat, Mar 15
Fri, Mar 14
Resolved for the upcoming hotfix.
Resolved for the upcoming hotfix.
Tue, Mar 11
Mon, Mar 10
Yes please