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Jun 4 2013, 1:57 AM (615 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

woore added a comment to T73199: Can't use vehicle weapon optics when mission starts with player as gunner.

Confirmed: I have this problem with SDVs, Comanche, Mi-48

May 10 2016, 6:31 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T72672: Vehicle smoke screen does not spoof guided missiles.

I'm sure it is supposed to counter guided missiles. An TI guided too as long as it can block the view in thermal range.

May 10 2016, 6:18 AM · Arma 3
woore edited Steps To Reproduce on T72672: Vehicle smoke screen does not spoof guided missiles.
May 10 2016, 6:18 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T72460: Optional Farsi accent English for OPFOR if player is OPFOR!.

Please not. Never ever ever ever never do this with Arma. I'm an old fan of Arma and OFP and I don't want this new common fancy gameplay "feature", the foreign forces speaking English with an accent. I played BF3 with my ears bleeding from that "We need to fall back" with an accent of Russian redneck.
It won't take a long time to remember these repetitive phrases and what do they mean. It wasn't a problem to memorize simple phrases like "zhengqiu yisheng, shouting" and "diren tanke, shouting" after some time in BF2.
If you want to understand the orders on the fly right now - learn Farsi. Maybe this will encourage lazy schoolboys to learn something other than their native language.
I hope BIS will give us Greek voices with one of the patches.

May 10 2016, 6:13 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T72244: Ammo/Fuel resupplies have ridiculusly low capacity to resupply vehicles.

I just cannot rearm Cheetah or Merkava at all. I can repair, refuel, but cannot resupply them, neuther fully nor partually.

May 10 2016, 6:07 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T70914: Solution for lack of Tank Interiors + badly simulated CITV.

Hmm. How about simulating this with an additional turret, just like the commander's on BMP2? Set the limits or it's rotation, smt like 70 degrees to the right and left. It would be easier to use.

May 10 2016, 5:29 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T70585: [DEV] Trees rendering overloads the GPU after 0.75.108432 patch.

I've found the cause of the problem: when shadows are at low settings, rendering of not the trees, but their shadows causing the overloading. I changed the shadows settings to normal, and the loading decreased to 78 - 80%, FPS drops are gone.
Probably iy's really a bug, since lower video settings cause higher load somehow

May 10 2016, 5:18 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T70585: [DEV] Trees rendering overloads the GPU after 0.75.108432 patch.

if you read the whole text, you could see that the problem is high GPU load, that cannot be reduced by the video settings.

May 10 2016, 5:18 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T70585: [DEV] Trees rendering overloads the GPU after 0.75.108432 patch.

tested today on my friend's PC with GTX670. On his standart settings - 60% load on the plains, 100% - in the forest, disabling AA and lowering the settings to "low" values allows to decrease GPU load to 85%, but not more.

May 10 2016, 5:18 AM · Arma 3
woore edited Steps To Reproduce on T70585: [DEV] Trees rendering overloads the GPU after 0.75.108432 patch.
May 10 2016, 5:18 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T68867: Optics mi-48 is too dirty.

@tyler2 1) *facepalm*. All of your "number" and "ability" statements are wrong, just look into the config.
However, your post clearly reveals the real cause of your "imbalance" cry. LTP. LTP is a great abbreviation means "learn to play". It means that you should learn to play before posting any balance issue to don't look like a noob. To don't look like a noob and understand the balance, it is necessary to LTP. Without LTP you cannot play the game well enough. Hence it's necessary to you to LTP. You should LTP in order to don't post a nonsence like this. So, LTP.

  1. this game is not Battlefield 3/4, thanks god, and weapons there aren't just carbon copies of each other. AH-99 and Mi-48 must not be the same choppers with different skins. If you prefer such a "balance", I suggest you to play BF and CoD, and don't ruin the last tactical shooter in the world with these "turn this into another BF3" requests.
May 10 2016, 4:11 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T68867: Optics mi-48 is too dirty.
  1. Comanche is more manueverable, Mi-48 is much more armored;
  2. Mi-48 has the most powerful anti-personnel weapon in the game - 38 HE rockets;
  3. Mi-48 has the most powerful helicopter ATGM, it'll be able to destroy more tanks than Comanche
  4. co-pilot functions to Mi-48 gunner will be added later
  5. highlighting? What?
  6. threat warning system? Both choppers have the same TWS.
  7. size of the optics and its cleanness aren't relevant, there is no difference to a competent gunner.
  8. Mi-48 has section for 8 or 10 troops

LTP, my friend, LTP.

May 10 2016, 4:11 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T68867: Optics mi-48 is too dirty.

Voted downn.

  1. I personally have no problems with enemy detection because of that optic.
  2. This dirty optics brings some difference to the game.
May 10 2016, 4:11 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T68867: Optics mi-48 is too dirty.

Imbalance? LMAO. Can you explain, please, how does this slight scratches tint limit any ability of Mi-48? Range? Maneuverability? Speed? Accuracy?
If some people don't play well enough, they should LTP instead of spamming useless tickets at the feedback section IMHO. Zeroing on the choppers is a problem of greater importance.

  1. Let the dirt on the optics ah-99 brings variety to the game.

If any NATO chopper would have such optics, you wouldn't report that, would you?))

May 10 2016, 4:11 AM · Arma 3
woore added a comment to T68168: Beta AH-99 and Mi-48 are too vulnerable to the light infantry weapons.

I do not claim that a helicopter is a god - like machine. Armored helicopters like AH-64 or Mi-24 could be seriously damaged with 12,7 and 14,5 HMGs (armored sectors of these helis, such as engine complex and cockpit, are hard to penetrate with 12,7 though). But due to armor and specific positioning of the critical systems, not even single armored attack helicopter in the history was been shot down by small arms such as MGs or assault rifles. In Afganistan, Chechnya, Iraq, Iran all these helicopters were disabled by HMGs or more powerful weapon.

@NodUnit during the Battle of Najaf Apaches were damaged by HMGs, RPGs and manpads, not by small arms fire.

@Imperator: shot 5000 7,62 rounds to the frontal armour of M2 in reality, and not a single round will penetrate it. In A3 Marid can be destroyed with 3500 6,5 bullets, Marshall - with 4500. I suppose there is an old "good" problem with hitpoint system.

May 10 2016, 3:44 AM · Arma 3
woore edited Steps To Reproduce on T68168: Beta AH-99 and Mi-48 are too vulnerable to the light infantry weapons.
May 10 2016, 3:44 AM · Arma 3
woore edited Steps To Reproduce on T67686: An option to mute your own voice or set a speaker without any voice in your profile settings.
May 10 2016, 3:29 AM · Arma 3