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- User Since
- Mar 6 2015, 6:11 PM (524 w, 13 h)
May 11 2016
hi there
I think interaction with a wolve should be very very rare
confirm: i had this problem too...
but only 1 time
i logged in, open TAB:
starvation red
thirsty red
luckily a friend of mine was by my side
dude, stop complain about this
people cry before "there is only rain.. rain rain.. mimimi.."
now there is no rain and people start again to cry about rain.
"there is no rain.. mimimi bla bla"
dudes pls
be happy about the good weather in april. seriously stfu
oh no :O what a crime
"lagg hacking.."! pha XD
what do you expect?
should they start to flank you?
u don't get me... :'D this question was for the developers cause this should'nt be in rl you know? ;)
true, how is this even possibru?
i've tried, it doesn't work
its not the only one invisible objekt. i found a few... next time i take screenshot at the spot to report it.
this is normal when u lie in higher grass, just role left/right to press the grass down, u get a better view.
i agree with you at the other point. a special function would be nice.
never going to happen
May 10 2016
How about NO?
dude go play sims or something else. this is a survival game, not a ineed2gopee&shit game.
last time i had this bug, is long time ago (couple months) but we will see, you never know what comes next in dayz ;)