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User Since
Jul 8 2013, 7:17 PM (605 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce on T77485: Some objects disappear when viewed through window.
May 10 2016, 8:27 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce on T77484: Some objects disappear when viewed through window.
May 10 2016, 8:27 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce on T77483: Some objects disappear when viewed through window.
May 10 2016, 8:27 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce on T77462: Pressing "Optics" does not cancel Sprinting. Sprinting does not cancel Optics mode. "Optics" doesn't raise weapon..
May 10 2016, 8:27 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce on T71840: Thunder sound effect needs bass.
May 10 2016, 5:57 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T71757: [FIXED] Vaulting while moving in tactical pace with weapon lowered causes crouch animation.

Fixed already

May 10 2016, 5:54 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce on T71757: [FIXED] Vaulting while moving in tactical pace with weapon lowered causes crouch animation.
May 10 2016, 5:54 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T69944: Some Mousebutton contol mappings stop working while holding LSHIFT.

UPDATE: In latest DEV Branch this is FIXED.

May 10 2016, 4:54 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T69944: Some Mousebutton contol mappings stop working while holding LSHIFT.

@ Fireball

"What happens if you doublemap LShift-<mousebutton> to the appropriate actions?"

It is impossible to bind leftShift + MouseButton5 to anything!

The bind always ends up as just Mouse5, the lesftShift is ignored.

This problem is still happening, really annoying!

May 10 2016, 4:54 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T69944: Some Mousebutton contol mappings stop working while holding LSHIFT.

This problem is still happening in latest stable steam version, really annoying!

Biggest problem is I cannot open doors while holding shift to walk.

May 10 2016, 4:54 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce on T69944: Some Mousebutton contol mappings stop working while holding LSHIFT.
May 10 2016, 4:54 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T69943: Track IR turns body instead of head.

I think this is related to my issue here:

May 10 2016, 4:54 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T69942: latest dev build - looking around using alt causes veering off at a tangent when alt released.

I have just raised the same issue here:

May 10 2016, 4:54 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce on T69941: Player direction changes when releasing the LOOK key.
May 10 2016, 4:54 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T69656: createCenter and createGroup makes spawned AI blind.

No longer able to reproduce: fixed.

May 10 2016, 4:43 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce on T69656: createCenter and createGroup makes spawned AI blind.
May 10 2016, 4:43 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce on T69641: Game crashes when AI group reaches GUARD Waypoint.
May 10 2016, 4:43 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T69641: Game crashes when AI group reaches GUARD Waypoint.

Cannot reproduce anymore, I think Fixed

May 10 2016, 4:43 AM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T65101: Chopper mouse flying should emulate joystick cyclic control better.

At the moment mouse cyclic is slowly reduced back to zero after each mouse movement.

The Cyclic position should be STRICTLY RELATIVE to mouse position.

The mouse cyclic should behave just like a joystick!

At the moment it is impossible to maintain a turn at a fixed bank using mouse cyclic!

May 10 2016, 1:48 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

thomsonb added a comment to T62146: Add a "Reset Stance Adjust" keybind -- Allow ability to quickly get out of stances.

If you press again for the stance you are in, prone, crouch or stand, it will reset to the middle position.

So if you are standing + high stance, just hit the stand key again to reset. This works quite well for me. In an emergency I just hit crouch or prone twice, canceling any stance adjustments.

May 9 2016, 11:47 PM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T61934: setOvercast command not functioning.


This command does work ok after a 1 hour skipTime

if you put this in init.sqf the overcast will change as expected:

skipTime 1;
0 setOvercast 1; this sets overcast to 1 correctly
hint (str overcast);
this outputs 1, or very close like 0.9997 as expected

if you remove the skipTime 1, the overcast will not change!

Any skiptime less than 1 (1 hour) will not work, for example:

skipTime 0.5; 30 mins skiptime
0 setOvercast 1;
hint (str overcast);
will return overcast only around 0.5

Issue summary:
It seems to take at least 1 hour for 0 setOvercast 1 to take effect, when it should take 0 seconds.

May 9 2016, 11:36 PM · Arma 3
thomsonb added a comment to T61934: setOvercast command not functioning.


Actually the mission still had the default setting of 30 minutes.
In ARMA2 any setOvercast or setFog always overrides and stops any mission forecast changes.

May 9 2016, 11:36 PM · Arma 3