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Some Mousebutton contol mappings stop working while holding LSHIFT
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I use MiddleMouseButton for current action, and MouseButton5 for Optics control.

These mappings stop working while I hold LeftSHIFT key (I use it as my walk key).

Any time the LeftSHIFT is held, my "look" and "perform current action" mouse buttons stop responding! The other mouse controls such as PrimaryMouse = fireWeapon are working normally.

I have a fairly standard logitech mouse, and it works normally in Arma2, and Arma3 beta until a recent Dev Update


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Open the action menu with mouse wheel, now hold Left Shift and try to use Middle Mouse button to select an action.

Event Timeline

thomsonb edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 15 2013, 6:14 PM
thomsonb edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
thomsonb set Category to Controls.
thomsonb set Reproducibility to Always.
thomsonb set Severity to None.
thomsonb set Resolution to Open.
thomsonb set Legacy ID to 2233056381.May 7 2016, 3:30 PM

What happens if you doublemap LShift-<mousebutton> to the appropriate actions?

@ Fireball

"What happens if you doublemap LShift-<mousebutton> to the appropriate actions?"

It is impossible to bind leftShift + MouseButton5 to anything!

The bind always ends up as just Mouse5, the lesftShift is ignored.

This problem is still happening, really annoying!

This problem is still happening in latest stable steam version, really annoying!

Biggest problem is I cannot open doors while holding shift to walk.

UPDATE: In latest DEV Branch this is FIXED.