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- User Since
- Sep 16 2013, 5:19 PM (599 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Green = All good?
Yellow = Can join but server runs with mods?
Red = Fuck off?
Ok, I am sorry for that mistake. So where do I report to them?
What does that mean?
Do not know if they can fix it or not, but for me it is pretty stupid if they did not think of this before! Arma is suppose to be a realistic game play!
it looks pretty stupid to reload an TITAN with nothing but air.
Did they fix this?
Had the same issue on a wastland server, but then the man who glitched out from the car was in the on the pickup!
Hope they will fix it, because it is quite disappointing. I can not stop focusing on the blue sight in front. And the scope itself is pretty cool.
Are the DEV really working on any problems at all any more?
Seems there are to much problem to the game, to much simple bugs that should have been fixed in the Beta. Are they sleeping at their jobs?
Are you kidding me? This will never be fixed!
This is when DEVS answered: 2013-05-24 16:43
They dont give a flying F*** about anything anymore! Freaking shitty man!
Yeah, but as I was saying, I play the game on ultra high settings. It is kind of stupid of them to make it like this. With a 12.7 you would be at long range and not at short range to be a sniper.
Is this problem being fixed? Because when I play multiplayer, let`s say Wasteland. And I finally finds a Good sniper rifle with a good thermal scope, I can`t snipe from distant like 900-1400 meters, because it looks like the rocks and cars or whatever are floating over the ground! And I run the game on ultra high settings with view distant at max of course.
Sorry, I didn't like the suppression effects. Its better then none thought.
But I did play a mission on ARMA 3, don't remember who made it. But he had the best suppression effects I've seen so far.
Why is this thread voted down?
It should be a suppressed effects in Arma.
The Auto rifleman doesn't get his full potential with his job.
I did play a mission (workshop) that he had a script or whatever for that, were we did actually get suppressed, and it is more realism and harder to spot the enemy or where the fire comes from. With the suppressed effects, the Auto rifleman can actually do his job and suppress the enemy.
I do not understand why this is 150 vs 173 voted. This is Arma, realism.
May 9 2016
How is this thread going? Are they going to listen to us users?
Even in the pickup truck, guys in the back should be able to fire!
Don´t know why they didn't add that!
Cooking a grenade is not very smart, since the fuse only last for 3-4 (+- 1 second) So you should not cook a grenade. Learned this in the military, thought there is different fuse time for each grenade!
Cooking grenade is for and only COD!
So you should do it the editor? And if you do it there, will it delete its self or do you have to delete it manually?
@KillZone Kid, I do not understand all these computer things. I am only a player :P hehe
And if you do that, will the character trow like this in game? or is it just in a "training" case?
Can you type in pretty much everything you want him to do?
And where do you find this debug console? and where can you test them?
And will they be removed when you play scenarios and mulitplayer?
Killzone Kid, did you make that yourself? That is allot better then the Arma grenade trow. Kudos to you my friend. Hope they will use this :P
But you don't have a row of grenades in front of you. you are holding a weapon in your hands, and the whole grande trow is just to stupid. It is like BF3 and COD. This is Arma, it is supposed to be realistic.
Actually, the person who trows the grenade never drops the safety pin before the grenade are trowed. Just in case he have to put it back on!
Yeah, it goes to fast! And when you trow the grenade( in real) you can aim with the arm that is available (pretty good actually).
Tajin, you said you would be able to cook the granade?
- Allow us to cook the grenade
That was your nr2.
A real granade (Shock-splint) has a timer for 3 sec before it blows up! +/- 1 sec.
Trust me, you dont wanna cook a granade, thats only for movies.
I did trow allot of granades in the Army, so this I know!
so, havent been here for almost a year now I think. So how is it going? Getting any closer to Bipod? I can see that the exact same post(threads) is still here at the same rang! Wow, doesn't look like they're doing anything!
Does the DEV ever answer us?
Sry, had a few beers. I do apologize for my bad behavior!
Do what mister? They dont listen. They don't even care! And Yes I have, I haven't play the game for prob 5-6 month. I tried it today. Still same ugly freaking bugs that isn't fixed! Heres a free tip, how about finishing the game before release?
How long has this issue for instance been out there without getting looked at? If they have time to make a DLC on their free time, why not focusing on the Game itself? It needs TONS of bug fixes!
Well, its helping me. Operation arrowhead are still the best ARMA game out there, you know, when they actually focused on big military missions instead of some wanna be battlefield cod shit missions where you are a freaking guerilla fighter! What happened to arma man!
Hahaha, have they fixed a thing for ages? Don't think so, what they did instead of fixing ALL/SOME bugs, were to ad the Arma go cart SHIT! Wtf? What about finishing the game? Tons of bugs still chilling in the game that will never be fixed!
I´ve lost all hope for Armas future!
Don´t know why you ppl bother, this and all the 100 problems will never be fixed. The DEV are sleeping at their desk laughing at all the problems the game have. The game is 50% complete if you ask me. Arma will always be arma, 10% cool stuff, 90% bugs and problems that never gets fixed.
How hard is it to have workable bipod, how hard is it to actually reload your weapon with real ammunition instead of nothing, how hard is it just to take the pistol in the holster, the pistol is for a quick secondary solution, nothing goes quickly by changing to the pistol.
The campaign sucked ass. They completely go so far away from Arma campaign as possible. This is more BF4 COD campaign. No Arma with BIG co op campaign with tanks, plane and heli! Just a fucking pussy thats takes orders from a fucking REBEL army. Kerry is the biggest pussy i've ever seen in a video-game!!!!!
Fucking shit. DEV, open your fucking eyes and start listening on the ppl who actually play your game!
Are they even doing anything atm with the game? It has like 100 bugs that still need to be fixed for it to be playable. I´ve looked at this site for 3-4 months now and NOTHING is changed or so. Any news at all?
These days they just poops them games out before they are finished.
Still no news? I don't understand that they made the bipod on the game without the chance of using it. Its like having a penis that never gets hard!
Are the DEV still working on Arma issue? I feel like they stopped :)