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- User Since
- Mar 16 2017, 11:16 PM (416 w, 6 d)
Sep 7 2019
Well, it's supposed to be. It's very powerful, but also very rare, unless your mission maker is... game balance challenged. It's not supposed to replace the T100 as a frontline main battle tank, but rather, think of a T-140 platoon as a sort of "boss fight" at the end of a coop campaign, or as an incredibly expensive vehicle that mostly just speeds up the last half hour of a PvP game that's about to end. It's also used as a soft time limit for a mission ("complete this objective in under xx minutes, or reinforcements will arrive and make it much harder"), an out-of-bounds mechanic ("you can go anywhere in this mission, but every were but the objective, here and the main routes in between have T-140 sections), etc...
Jul 26 2019
Jun 28 2019
Jun 10 2019
Aug 22 2018
Jul 4 2018
This has been an ongoing problem with the Arma series, and is a known issue. You likely won't get a reply until it's fixed, which will likely only be done upon the release of a new game, or in a major spring cleaning update. In the meantime, though the problem persists in vanilla servers, there are mods to enhance or replace Direct Communication.
Jun 16 2018
Since ARMs are being added with Encore, recommend this thread be closed.
Jun 6 2017
Apr 18 2017
Perhaps give users the option to set their OWN update schedule?
1: Do you have the DLC preordered? If not, that may be why, otherwise...
2: Go into your modlist, you should have a mod simply labeled "Jets". Try turning that on and seeing if it helps.
I can understand your frustration, but this is a section for Bug reports, not to complain about server hosts. Furthermore, is not a "partner", and is merely one of many Arma 3 server hosts. Being banned from one network, while annoying, does not mean that you can no longer play Arma 3. There are still a number of other servers worldwide, and, failing that, playing in Singleplayer is still possible, regardless of any ban status. Finally, if there is a PERSONAL issue with BI, responses should be made with a private report.
Apr 17 2017
@Lex Ah, thank you, I'll be sure to check that out.
Relax, oftentimes there's no response the problem has been solved. (Look patch notes at how many of these are fixed before ever commented.
Did you set up the vehicle loadout on Init? If so, pretty much every transformative script fails to apply after respawn.