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- User Since
- Feb 28 2014, 7:11 PM (575 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
The issue happened to me when i vaulted with my weapon in hand. The weapon flew away and was lost. after relog it was still gone.
still happens in .52
I've got the same issue - 1st person only
i have the same issue since .49 sometimes, it eventually works to respawn if i try a day later or so
i have this issue as well - sometimes i cannot respawn for a hour or so - it keeps saying im dead. It eventually works to wait and switch servers to "properly" die and then respawn.
Never had this issue befor .49
i got in on another server, it is stuck on "please wait" after 30 seconds - if i press escape i see myself lying on the roof i died. The system does not seem to have fully processed my respawn.
May 10 2016
i got out in the meantime
@ dog and miau: The .556-ammo-spawns are on helis only, correct. But the .45 is nowhere in experimental. Are you playing exp or regular ?
I can confirm - after a server-reset there was no ammo of that kind. I looted entire dubky 3 times after server-reset and found no .45 or .556
I have this on exp. with several melee-weapons - but i assume this is due to lag since some zombie-hits register even if i am far away and the zombie faces another direction.
I am not having that issue in .51 or .52
If you relog you should see the item with 0% in your inventory.
Every time this happened to me it was on a laggy server.
Does not happen in 0.47 to me though
I cannot reproduce it in .47 (curr experimental) anymore.
Happened on Experimental, too.
Once it hung when i wanted to respawn, once it crashed upon exit again.
New LOGS + crashdumps attached.
i have not been able to reproduce the crash until now.
Still reproducable in 0-47 exp
I really hope they also fix the old bananaphone - issue. I still cannot put a battery in a banana, tried exp and regular. Also changing frequency is not possible.
it is fixed now
If oyu still have 60 rounds stacks they will be deleted if you try to load it. They think that emptying a coupled mag was "exploiting"