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- User Since
- Jun 7 2013, 2:50 PM (610 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
This is so important I can't even begin to describe it! Thank you twistking and thank you dslyecxi. BIS should immediately make fixing this their top priority.
This is extremely important to get right. As such, the feedback from people like Dslyecxi should be given top priority. Currently I can't even pick up glow sticks like in Arma 2.
I really like how door and drawers are opened in Amnesia - The Last Descent. It really adds so much to the atmosphere that it's possible to sneak a peek, although Arma 3 needs a "regular" way of opening doors that allows for quick entry without fumbling with Amnesia-type door handling.
One thing to think of is that whenever you're in the position to open a door stealthily, you have time on your side. Thus having the means to do so tucked away as a secondary option next to the regular one, is probably the way to go. Again it is a thing that will pave the way for truly great urban warfare. Add to this closing, barring and breaching of doors, and an epic Stalingrad-type scenario would be a piece of cake.
This is so important I can't even begin to describe it! Thank you twistking and thank you dslyecxi. BIS should immediately make fixing this their top priority.
dslycxi makes some very good points in this vid:
Raising the gear by pressing a key should be no problem. It can be done in any respecatble game. Not having it in this game, is just silly.
dslyecxi has some extremely good points about these problems here:
IMO BIS should make this kind of stuff their top priority right now.
Found it! It must be a problem with Steam. It wouldn't verify cache, so I did a search. I basically had to rename a file in the steam folder. I renamed '' to '' in the folder, and then verified Arma 3 again. This fixed the problem.
Got same problem on regular Alpha. Stuck in loading screen. Group chat fades, chatter contiues, but otherwise nothing. Sometimes I'll get Can't connect, other times i get kicked off the game(?). I never entered in the first place... This puzzles me as I have no problem playing online on Arma 2 or on other games. It just started happening today.
Edit: Can be a problem with Steam. Try to verify cache. If it doesn't work, the problem most likely lies with steam and not the game. I had to rename a file in the Steam folder, 'ClientRegistry.blob', and re-verify, and the problem went away.
This kind of AI action is extremely important, though albeit boring in missions I guess it can always be scripted...
Many door are lockable from the inside. Most front doors are lockable from the inside without a key, for instance, while most room doors aren't. Yet most room door are usually way more flimsy than front doors. I think lockable doors would add A LOT to gameplay!
Front door locks: Hard to pick.
Room doors: Flimsy and easy to pick IRL, depending on whether it's a skull key door or not. Most room doors have skull keys. But then even if it's not lockable, barring it is another posibility, making city wide fights the likes of Stalingrad possible.
May 9 2016
IRL it is possible to:
- Open doors slowly and stealthily
- Open doors normally
- Try to breach the door open physically (or even with weapons or explosives)
All of these make slightly different noises, thus it's not as much wrong with not currently having a sound for it, as it is with the whole gameplay aspect of going trough doors. It is of VITAL importance to get stuff like that right in a tactical sim, especially considering urban warfare.