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- User Since
- Aug 22 2024, 3:49 PM (26 w, 1 d)
Tue, Feb 11
They got DDosed man, was not their fault. Unless you have enough to pay the ransome? If you bought it through playstation you can request a refund through them. But coming on here, ain't doing nothing.
Jan 20 2025
Jan 18 2025
if thats what you'd like to think, I'll let you do that Grant.
All im saying is that the feedback you are posting has already been posted and the devs have said that they are not going to revert. Why would they? People in the exp for the inventory changes pressed their concerns and most people have moved on apart from yourself and others like you. Your playstyle is hoarding please stop. Listen Grant. It's okay to change, Grant. Maybe its time to let go. Find a new game? Perhaps. Rust maybe? Whenever I feel like DayZ isn't for me, I get off my chair and enjoy the people around me, I know you don't have that luxury though. So I'm not sure what you would do lil bro. Maybe a hobby of sorts? Camera collecting? Lego? Touching grass? Reading books? Does that sound good to you grant?
An LAR could fit in your pants in the old inventory. How the hell does that make sense bro.
You need to think before you press enter. You are clearly not making sense on your comments here. I have a problem with people who can't use logic to their advantage. In what world makes sense that you could carry the whole american military arsenal and build budget on your character. Are you okay? DayZ will not and will never bend to your brain. They will never revert these changes. End of story bro. No need to follow up this thread anymore.
its a choice, just like you have a choice to play or not to play.
If you are able to carry a gun in your shirt, pants, backpack and vest. Thats a problem. The developers try to cater everybody not just you. DayZ will evolve and tbh no one is asking you to play it. Maybe in the future things will change and you will come back. Sounds like you are burnt out with those 11k hours.
You need a big reality check that the game will not bend to your will. The longer I play I realise why they changed the inventory. Before I could carry 2 full cows, 3 radiators all of my base building tools and guns, ammo. If you're worried about speed in DayZ is the fundamental core of the game, you are not going to speedrun you're way through.
Jan 17 2025
I'm sorry that you can't carry 3 radiators in your bag my friend. Your second point just sounds like you aren't wanting to play the game lol. Yes people will camp it and its your job to kill them. Does that sound good to you? Airdrops literally seems pointless unless you can say a way they can implement them without just saying "add airdrops please!!!" And if they do add it, it'll just be a reskin of a heli crash. Does that sound good to you? This game will never be how you and I want it to be. It is up to us to be willing to play the game. And I'm saying we can't be critical, we surely can but resilience is necessary in order to live a happy life in and out of DayZ.
I would agree with the Christmas event ruining the economy of the game, but I would disagree with you sentiment about the containers. It was highly unlikely you'd see people on these other islands because you could easily stop and loot the crate, and that was that but now it will draw people together. Allowing for closer PVP and not making it so easy to find high tier items like M4's, DMR's, etc... I'm not sure it's "the wrong way" to draw people together. In-fact its what helicrashes and convoys do already. Just bringing people closer for high tier loot is nothing new.
Jan 14 2025
lol, no amount of money will allow them to return it, it is probably already wiped
Jan 13 2025
@Geez He is probably talking about antitorque pedals
Jan 9 2025
@Geez check out my task on the easiest way to whitewall in DayZ prevelant since day 1
Nov 30 2024
Welcome to the game. It's been like this for a while and its probably not going to change :(
Nov 20 2024
I 100% agree with you, we need to be able to board off buildings windows and doorways not trying to build big ass gates everywhere.
I doubt that they will have any 'patch' that will fix it. There needs to be a PS5 version of DayZ. The PS5 SSD is capable of loading in huge areas quickly and efficently but can't handle Chernogorsk or Berezino. The constant loading in and out of buildings drives me insane too. Its very annoying.
Its been like this since DayZ came out on console. It has never got better. The only time it semi got better was the PS5 and how it wouldn't stutter when you shoot a gun (although sometimes it still does) its very dissapointing. I'd rather no new map and a deep reconfiguration of the graphics on console. It's horrible. Cars = death traps because you just can't drive them without crashing from lag every 2 seconds. It's just annoying that they aren't acknowledging this, make a tweet about the current console performance. Actually work on it. Jesus its just common sense. People will keep asking about it just say your working on it at the very least and maybe people will stop asking about it. It's so frustrating.
Nov 9 2024
Nov 8 2024
Hacks isn't possible on Playstation, sometimes I do die by a gun shot and don't hear it aswell.
Nov 6 2024
Are you a robot? Are you real? Where exactly do I find “limitFPS”
@dayzdebugger This is literally playstation dayz, ain't no option
Oct 29 2024
none the less its still laggy no matter what server. Official in Svet its horrible driving through Novo is a joke. I really can't see how DayZ is so poorly optimised but anyway I'll continue playing but its a big problem. Not to mention the white walling issue where you can literally close the application and relaunch so you can see through a whole ass town to location any base, its ridiculous. I get if GTA had that problem but you can't lose your loot in GTA. A friend in my group is a pro stash finder he is quite aware about lag that occurs when a stash is nearby we've found tents, cars, bases all because of a certain type of lag that occurs. Mind you we play on Official. Why allow people to place their own custom objects which can cause lag when Official servers dont even run that well either. I sure hope they fix these issues. Especially with the ultra fast SSD of the PS5 which clearly isn't utilised on DayZ. I've ordered a PS5 Pro and I whole heartedly believe it'll probably run the exact same. I need some confirmation that they are working on it. Just a tad bit of communication regarding performance issues would be nice. As far as I know bohemia isn't a totalitarian regime incapabale of communicating wih its playerbase.
Was happening on LA 8901 the other week seems it might be the same guys
Oct 24 2024
Server is back up and running! Thank you
Doesn't help when you don't explain the circumstances. I suspect this was on a community server with specific lifetime settings that caused this. Could you enlighten us with more detail? Thank you
Oct 22 2024
Been experiencing this too on Chernarus, Livonia and Sakhal hopefully soon a PS5 version will come out. Just gotta be patient (it’s what I keep telling myself to cope lol)
Oct 17 2024
Yeah I've noticed this too hopefully the patch that just came out will fix it
Happened to me on Sakhal near the volcano too. Definatley an issue.
Oct 12 2024
Oct 11 2024
Sep 24 2024
You need to join the last server you joined. Then leave then join the server you want to join
Sep 21 2024
Sep 8 2024
It hasn't been fixed and is still an issue even on New Gen (PS5) because they don't allow the full use of the PS5 ultra fast loading times and improved graphics unfortunately. This could be a sony issue but plenty of games have had a 'PS5 Patch' without implementing a brand new PS5 version which significantly improved performance. if you scroll down to august you can see my post about PS5 and DayZ.
Aug 24 2024
Servers with custom loadouts when you spawn in have some sort of bug which doesn't allow you to choose 'custom' and if you do it'll just give you one anyway.
If you really are adamant on backpack changes then some more detail would probably be needed to sway the developers minds on keeping the slots as you trying to build a base in a really tall building would not change their minds unfortunately. I play official and yes I build bases, yes it gets raided but thats the game. Official servers are what the developers have in mind when (you guessed it) developing the game! They don't want loot goblins. I do agree that base building does need to be upgraded and the current issues with placing fence kits in certain areas is annoying and it does ruin the game, but you as the player have a responsibility to comprehensively detail your concerns. Although the bags are devastating, it makes the game more challenging and thats what DayZ is about, it's not some game you can kick back and relax to on a friday night. It's a grind and the developers want you to actually think about your actions. Anyways thats just my thoughts, you probably won't agree and thats fine.
In my opinion, yes the backpack changes are devastating but can you fit two logs in a backpack in real life? no. You could make the argument that DayZ is a video game, but I say the developers strive for realism and in real life no one in an apocolypse setting is going to have a full arsenal of everything needed. The developers want you to choose what you need instead of partaking in being a "loot goblin". The developers could potentially push people to make stashes and bases and to that I say that base building needs to be changed for vanilla DayZ. Unfortunately its a double edged sword that slashes both ways for good and bad.
Aug 23 2024
I don't think being a duper is solving anything. Letting the developers know on detailed instructions on how to dupe and the various methods is more helpful. I get your upset and I am too but this isn't the correct approach.