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Poor DayZ Performance on Consoles (Especially PS5)
Feedback, UrgentPublic


First and foremost, DayZ is a highly technical piece of work (as most online multiplayer games are) and should be treated as such. Although It does not excuse it's poor performance issues on consoles. I spend most of my time driving on Official and here some problems I could encounter:

Players are infact the least of my worries when driving because I need to create a mental map of all the "lag points" across the map. These usually happen and driving in certain spots and either 1) Freeze your game while driving so you crash and burn or 2) Don't freeze your game but you still crash and burn because it rubber banded you into a wall 10m ago...

It's infact ridiculous that in a survival game, the least of ones worries should be driving. Not to gloss over the flying vehicle bug, this usually happens at random times. In my 2k hours on console I haven't had any certain things at allow vehicle to float. This is usually only a problem for the driver and other passengers just see the vehicle normally. Imagine driving away from 4 gears guys in a town but you can't because on your screen your cars in 20m in the air (bit of a problem i'd say).

Okay, lets get into the nitty gritty.

I understand that DayZ is highly technical (as stated in the beginning) but looking at other games DayZ falls to the bottom of the list unfortunately as the worst performing game in my Playstation library of over 300. As what was common when the PS5 first came out game devs would usually release a patch to allow the PS5's full capability. Coming from the PS4 to the PS5 on DayZ it's only a slight increase in performance. However, Quality is frankly quite appauling. For Example, Grass not rendering at even a close proximity to the player, frames spikes whenever V-sync is disabled, skybox tearing (even with new skybox), frame dropping with high colliding textures (base storage items, water reeds, etc...), poor Anti-aliasing, frame skipping whenever going into a high magnification scope/bino's and the scope just sometimes be black so you can't see.

A huge problem in the DayZ game on consoles are lag but not just any lag, "player lag" or even "base lag". Player lag is when a player comes into semi close proximity with yourself. I've used this "lag" to know when players are nearby and its 100% noticeable everytime. This is our own player radar in fact and almost every PS5 player i've encountered know about what "Player lag" is. Not only is this a huge problem and feels almost cheating, you can use the same lag to detect bases and even player stashes. (I thought stashes were meant to be secret, not have a lag appear when nearby as a beacon for players to search in the area) When in a certain area, you might experience lag that is different to player lag as it is a bigger spike as player built walls and containers load in. This is a problem as players will simply search around for your base because of the lag that it produces.


Operating System
Windows 7
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce

Have a PS5 and play DayZ it's just simple as that, unfortunately...

Additional Information

New content is always appreaciated, however having a huge update to fix performance issues and causing unfortunate events should be a big focus as the Frostline DLC is approaching in the upcoming weeks. This needs to be fixed, to see a game that you care about fall is quite sad. A performance update is needed quite urgently I'd say.

I'd also like to add that the reason many and if not the only reason people bought the next gen consoles is to get better performance in games and DayZ has not delivered. As the console community grows (and it is) more people can clearly see the performance hit compared to other games. DayZ needs to be better optimised for consoles. I would like (as a player) for a response and for this post to not be "reviewed" but actually read.

Majority of Console Players

Event Timeline

junglecat16789 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Aug 23 2024, 5:19 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Aug 26 2024, 10:19 AM

Playing DayZ on the console has been disappointing due to technical issues. The driving lag caused me to crash frequently, and the flying car bug was annoying! I switched from PS4 to PS5 and the performance improvement was negligible. Hopefully, the developers will fix these bugs soon for better gaming FNAF Games experience!


go to your logs scroll up and check if you have -limitFPS= enabled

dsk81 added a subscriber: dsk81.Dec 6 2024, 3:27 PM

Facing the same issue.
