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Noah's Flood & The reason it didn't work in DayZ
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To wipe, or not to wipe, that is the question and I'm not talking about your toilet situation. I'm referring to the wipes occuring in DayZ. They do not work!

First off, Doing map wipes are just dumb. You need to wipe characters and the map. Simple as that. People simply log off with everything they need to rebuild their million dollar base, it's a waste of your time and everybody who plays. We need full wipes. Also thinking that full wipes combat duping on Console, is a bad mindset to be affilated with. Today, which is partly the reason I'm making this post is because I have just found a mega base near the coast on Chernarus which literally had 30 tents on the ground one tent that was placed had literally 100 bandages which had the same durability (they were all used once) which leads any non crazy person to say that these were duped! A full tent of bandages! What is scarier is who raided the dupers? Who knows what they took from these people? A couple tents filled with IED's? who knows. This has been the third official server we've played that has had dupers. It is appauling frankly. Why should I the player who does not dupe be at a servere disadvantage to those who do? I play normally, how the game is meant to be played and this is how I'm treated? It's unfair and something needs to be done.

Those roughly 30 tents are dangerous to the loot economy and what ever else they decide to dupe! It ruins the storage item spawns in the game and makes it difficiult to acquire these items because the bases that house them are 20 walls deep with glitched walls making it almost impossible for regular players to raid and play the game.

We need semi-regular wipes and the people at DayZ need to address this, shoving this under rug doesn't make it disapear. As a player I have the responsibility to inform you the developers of issues with the game and in return you need to address these issues. People are passionate about this game and will go great lengths even at the cost of stream sniping. I am frustrated, we are frustrated, the whole console community is frustrated. We need a way to report dupers or a way to fix the duping and if you can't fix it then say "we can't fix it".

I think alt accounts are a big issue in DayZ and yes there is a timer but they are used by Dupers to allow them to have different kits and such that they dupe. I think a longer account switch timer is necessary in order to negate the incentives of duping. By longing the timer it could in fact cause dupers to not dupe as they would need to sit there. Also it's not just for dupers aswell. DayZ is supposed in my eyes to be about having one life and what you do in that life should mean something. Having alts just changes to fundamental idea's of the game to much. They need to be looked at again.


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