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- Apr 1 2013, 1:21 PM (622 w, 6 d)
Nov 20 2017
Not that much change in version 1.76, max resolution supported is 2560 wide, upon setting 3840 wide in cfg same error occured:
Sep 20 2017
May 10 2016
Reiterating a devil's advocate voice from way back in Arma2 discussion on the same topic (IMHO I dislike the radar, but...):
- Dealing with AI and aproximations of communication with AI.
How will you make the targetting work with you piloting a two seat attack chopper and AI gunner? Right clicking on two pixel wide almost invisible target in your zoomed out pilot's view? Pressing 2 and selecting from counterintuitive list praying that the NME SPAAG half a click away shooting at you is the one at the top of the list, instead of the SPAAG three clicks away that's not a threat? When with human gunner he would scan and tell you in voice, or you could tell him target the SPAAG that's shooting at us from 3 o'clock.
- AWACS and Link 16 systems (mentioned). You are not alone on the battlefield. There is friendly intel from well behind the combat zone (AWACS), complex radio nets etc. However, what if you are indeed alone (custom missions - last heli standing scenarios etc)? Script way of disabling the "AWACS".
- Longbow radar. Apparently it can do basic IFF and identify type of vehicle (perhaps down to "it's a BMP-X not BRADLEY therefore it's NME). Updated to AESA type radar (as in AH-64E) makes it usable while remaining stealthy.
- PiP is very resource hungry, most people have it turned off. How would that work with proposed PiP radar only?
Some rough ideas:
- Bring back the old radar from A2 Vanilla (before Operation Arrowhead) - vis first image on . It aproximated more human-human communication with AI gunner instead of full 360 picture, but weigh it that only the targets in (and perhaps a bit around) the gunner's view are IFFd. Keep the 360 radar for AESA equipped vehicles (and them only), update it perhaps less frequently?
- Remove the radar in Multiplayer altogether. Would at least force players to cooperate, AND please most of the PvP crowd at the same time. Though it would make AI gunning choppers almost useless.
The zoom level back in Arma2 was about 2x too much compared to RL specs, IIRC. I don't have an issue with the new zoom, those were never supposed to be sniper scopes after all. I haven't done any formal comparison, but from a cursory glane they seem to be better matched to reality now. And in my humble opinion, it enhances gameplay when every scoped rifle is no longer a sniper rifle.
Might be also engine related - I don't know how it worked internally in A2/OA (but it worked well), but now the ROF is severely limited by frame rate, with no apparent internal workaround (AFAIK). I just can't imagine a 2000/4000rps firing at 300rps when your framerate drops due to impact particle effects or explosions. Not even mentioning a CAS plane like A-10.
Happens here with latest DEV build 053.103271
REPRO: go to Options/Controls, click on any control. Buttons right of Default are black on black. Edit button in Controllers is black on black. Several buttons in controller settings are black on black.
Windows 8 64bit, AMD 6870, Catalyst 13.2
According to on RPG-32 (which the RPG-42 is presumably based upon), the rocket motor burns out completely while still inside the barrel (which is the design of most RL RPGs). Therefore the rocket has high initial velocity, but should lose it much more quickly due to drag (with appropriate loss of altitude, ie steep ballistic trajectory), unlike the NLAW which is a soft-launch system (ie very low initial velocity, increasing until rocket motor burnout), and seems to be more accurately portraied in the Alpha.
Agree. Viewpoint should be centered on the UGL sights when UGL selected and in optics mode (NUM 0). This makes it impossible to aim accurately at range.
May 9 2016
I completely agree. Current behaviour (vehicle is locked after damage to engine/wheels) is frustrating, counterintuitive and negative to gameplay.
Same here with, with latest DEV branch. Even though ingame settings for controllers show the axis maxed out at 100, when using the controller axis for steering, the wheels turn only 2/3 as much as with A/D keys on keyboard. Mapped the axis to Car Left / Car Right. Doesn't matter which joystick I use, happens on both a Logitech joystick and a console controller.
Possible duplicate of
Simple solution: remap your mouse from Car More Left/Right to Car Left/Right. Worked wonders for me. I suggest either BIS make that default mapping or revamp the vehicle steering altogether.