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Feb 24 2015, 9:51 PM (525 w, 4 d)

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May 11 2016

f3cuk edited Steps To Reproduce on T115521: Supressor goes back to original state when weapon is dropped and picked up.
May 11 2016, 1:59 PM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:ingameui on T115440: Expand world containers by default.
May 11 2016, 1:56 PM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:ingameui on T115439: PU Scope on SKS not showing texture.
May 11 2016, 1:56 PM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:environment on T115438: Render distance too low inside newish barrack.
May 11 2016, 1:56 PM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:environment on T115437: Soil clips through floor (newish barracks).
May 11 2016, 1:56 PM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Additional Information on T112798: Somehow i ended up carrying two backpacks.
May 11 2016, 6:37 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Additional Information on T112797: Floating entrance at holiday camp south of Gvozdno.
May 11 2016, 6:37 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Additional Information on T112796: You can get 'inside' the train platform in berezino.
May 11 2016, 6:36 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Additional Information on T112794: Easy way to duplicate items.
May 11 2016, 6:36 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Additional Information on T109660: Small pinetree gives me texture glitching.
May 11 2016, 4:53 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Additional Information on T109659: Small pinetree gives me texture glitching.
May 11 2016, 4:53 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Steps To Reproduce on T109170: Add to favorites button not working on remote tab.
May 11 2016, 4:36 AM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:multiplayer on T109034: Using direct chat results in getting BattleEye group chat warnings.
May 11 2016, 4:31 AM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:aibehavior on T109030: Zombies appear out of thin air.
May 11 2016, 4:31 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T109024: Only a few types of loot spawn in the vicinity (possible cause found).

I think something like this is happening.

On server start all the loot gets distributed over the map. Building 1 gets it first, then building 2, building 3, building 4, building 5, etc.. All in a chronological order. Building 1 is often right next to building 2 and building 2 is almost always close to building 3, etc.

Everytime an item spawns it deducts that item from the loot table making sure a single item cannot spawn too many times in the world thus making it a real economy where they'd have an actual fixed number of each loot item in the game instead of spawning everything by chance like they have been doing until now.

For example if this was a loot table:

+ Clothes - 100x Wool coat - 100x Grey hoodie - 100x Pink dress - etc.
+ Food - 100x Baked beans - 100x Canned peaches - etc.
+ Weapons - 100x Makarov - 100x M1911 - etc.

The problem now seems to be that instead of randomly picking an item from the loot table to spawn, it picks the one on top that is still available. Resulting in building 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,etc all having the same kind of loot since the items still have spawns left according to the loot table.

Presumably the function that should randomize the picking of the loot either got broken or was forgotten.

May 11 2016, 4:31 AM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:balancing on T109024: Only a few types of loot spawn in the vicinity (possible cause found).
May 11 2016, 4:31 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Steps To Reproduce on T109020: 60/70 second timer is more like a 300 second timer.
May 11 2016, 4:31 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T109019: [Suggestion] Block users who dies too often in too short time.

@-1PARA-Gramps: Disagree, also if you would have actually read the comments, you'd know one will only get punished if it is not the first time you commit suicide AND you commit suicide within X minutes of being born.

Right now suicide is heavily abused to get a 'better' spawn. Players will keep suiciding untill they get a spawn that better suits their needs, often consisting of being able to quickly get back to the action or the place of death when still geared.

I do not agree that it never is a disadvantage to other players, a lot of times a player is trying to get back to the area he/she was previously killed in. Having been in that area before means he has intel on that area and he can and will use that to his/her advantage. (e.g. knowing where bodies are / loot are / guns are), this to me is a clear disadvantage to other players in that area that might not have that intel or too little time to act upon it.

But all of that doesnt really matter, what matters is that a player can have a clear advantage by killing themselves over and over again untill they are (close to) where they want to be. A big timeout would not only help make people second guess their decision about suicide, but also makes sure other players are better protected against these suiciders.


@Sanguine: Did not know that, if true then awesome!

May 11 2016, 4:31 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T109019: [Suggestion] Block users who dies too often in too short time.

I really think it is a huge problem. It seems however that nowadays people have gotten used to and are okay with just killing themselves in order to get a 'better' spawn. I'm happy to learn not everybody thinks that way. In a game that is supposed to be about survival, killing yourself should never be a viable option and they should work harder on preventing players from doing so.

May 11 2016, 4:31 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T109019: [Suggestion] Block users who dies too often in too short time.

Agree, there are many ways to properly fight this. My current favorite being incremental timeouts when players die too quick.

If you die within X minutes of being born, you will get a X minute timeout before spawning again. Do it again, you will get a X minute timeout times 2 before spawning again, do it again you will get a X minute timeout times 4 before spawning again. Etc.

May 11 2016, 4:31 AM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:ingameui on T109013: Server filter ideas/updates/enhancements.
May 11 2016, 4:30 AM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:featurerequest on T109012: Some ideas for the Play button.
May 11 2016, 4:30 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108980: DayZ logo looks blurry on start screen.

Added a screenshot

May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Additional Information on T108979: Randomly get the shakes.
May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Additional Information on T108980: DayZ logo looks blurry on start screen.
May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:environment on T108978: Fire cannot be seen from a distance.
May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108977: Chickens do not move.

@HaseDesTodes: It's on the experimental branch that was released just yesterday.

May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:aibehavior on T108977: Chickens do not move.
May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108976: Getting DayZ.exe failed to start error.

I think that page might be outdated, i just checked my installed software and saw i had all the Microsoft Visual C++ stuff installed all the way up to 2013 (12.0.30501 to be more precise). looks like the latest one.

May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108976: Getting DayZ.exe failed to start error.

Could be a Microsoft Visual C++ problem. You might want to try reinstalling that.


May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Steps To Reproduce on T108972: Binding the map key and using it results in black page.
May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk set Category to category:ingameui on T108970: Test settings button does not do anything.
May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Additional Information on T108969: Unable to join DayZ SE 0-2 (Experimental/Unstable).
May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Additional Information on T108968: UI freezes when connection failed.
May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108546: The game crashes too much on too many instances for me.

Okay here is what fixed it for me and the friends i play with.

1.) Right click DayZ on steam
2.) Click on Properties
3.) Click Set launch options
4.) Enter: -malloc=system -maxMem=2047 so it looks like this

May 11 2016, 4:15 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108532: Application Error : The instruction at 0x00000000 referenced memory at 0x00000000.

Okay here is what fixed it for me and the friends i play with.

1.) Right click DayZ on steam
2.) Click on Properties
3.) Click Set launch options
4.) Enter: -malloc=system -maxMem=2047 so it looks like this

May 11 2016, 4:14 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108388: FPS drop after 5-10 mins play, suggested fixes do not work..

Try -malloc=system -maxMem=2047 (none other, apart from maybe -skipIntro) and make sure your virtual memory is about the same size as your total ram. Did the trick for me.

May 11 2016, 4:09 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108350: Memory leak forcing winodws to shutdown game + steam.

Hmm might have been lucky, but this has seemed to fix the problem for me "-malloc=system -maxMem=2047". 2047MB is the hardcoded maximum of the arma 2 engine.

Make sure that apart from those two you have no other launch options (except for maybe -skipIntro).

May 11 2016, 4:08 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108333: Memory Crash [ every 10 mins ].

Eugen Hartons reponse to the memory issues:

In short, add -dologs to launch paramaters and provide them with the logs created by that (users/&user&/appdata/local/dayz).

May 11 2016, 4:07 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108333: Memory Crash [ every 10 mins ].

Yep it's annoying as hell. Already reported it when still on experimental.

May 11 2016, 4:07 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108313: Problem with render.

Also make sure Windows does not set some kind of affinity for dayz.exe and update your graphics driver. Had the same thing (4690K / R9 290X / 8GB) first time i played .54, after removing all of the launch option it worked again.

(I also disabled Steam in-game overlay, might be worth the try)

May 11 2016, 4:06 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108313: Problem with render.

Paper26 your problem might be a different one then. Check your Resource Monitor for extra information when the drop happens (type resmon in start). I think yours might be because of some kind of i/o problem.

May 11 2016, 4:06 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Steps To Reproduce on T108308: Gardens not producing any food.
May 11 2016, 4:06 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Steps To Reproduce on T108307: Game freeze when trying to join server.
May 11 2016, 4:06 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108278: The Instruction at 0x004a15d7 referenced memory at 0x724e6000.

Guys really, try these as starting parameters: -malloc=system -maxMem=2047

1.) Right click DayZ on steam
2.) Click on Properties
3.) Click Set launch options
4.) Enter: -malloc=system -maxMem=2047 so it looks like this

May 11 2016, 4:05 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108278: The Instruction at 0x004a15d7 referenced memory at 0x724e6000.

Yeah it's a pain. I did however not encounter any issues since i started using -malloc=system -maxMem=2047 as launch parameters.

May 11 2016, 4:05 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108278: The Instruction at 0x004a15d7 referenced memory at 0x724e6000.

So far no issues since I started using "-malloc=system -maxMem=2047".

May 11 2016, 4:05 AM · DayZ
f3cuk added a comment to T108278: The Instruction at 0x004a15d7 referenced memory at 0x724e6000.

Some extended RPT info on the crashes (they keep happening)

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 004A15D7
Allocator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll
graphics: D3D9, Device: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series, Driver:aticfx32.dll
resolution: 1920x1080x32

DZ_Animals_CowV2 in DZ\animals\cow_1406\
DZ_Animals_sus_scrofa in DZ\animals\sus_scrofa\, DZ_Anims_Rtm in DZ\anims\data\
DZ_Buildings in DZ\buildings\


DZ_Weapons_Optics in DZ\weapons\attachments\optics\

Mods: DZ
Distribution: 0
Version 0.54.126645
Fault address: 004A15D7 01:000A05D7 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\DayZ.exe
file: cur_mp (CUR_MP)
world: ChernarusPlus
Prev. code bytes: 89 48 10 83 C0 12 83 FA 04 72 12 8B 0E 83 EA 04
Fault code bytes: 89 08 83 C6 04 83 C0 04 83 FA 04 73 EE 85 D2 74

EAX:51224FFD EBX:84FC2E14
ESI:84FCE684 EDI:00000100
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B


note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\f3cuk\AppData\Local\DayZ\DayZ.mdmp

May 11 2016, 4:05 AM · DayZ
f3cuk edited Steps To Reproduce on T108278: The Instruction at 0x004a15d7 referenced memory at 0x724e6000.
May 11 2016, 4:05 AM · DayZ