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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 4:01 AM (584 w, 21 h)
May 10 2016
Starkvix: This report here has like 10 comments in total most of them are one-liners or even simply "Confirmed" messages. Before posting to any bug tracker it is really recommended to at least skim through the most recent comments to see what the current progress on the bug is. More often than not adding additional comments is not really necessary.
Please adhere to my advice and watch the video I linked. The blurry screen is not a bug. It's a bug that you can reset it by opening the video settings screen. The video will explain in detail where the blurriness comes from and why it will not be reset by just restoring your blood.
TL;DR is: it indicates low health (which is different from blood!) and can only be recovered by natural regeneration under very specific and hard to reach circumstances. For details watch the video.
Or to stress one of the most overused quotes in software development: it's not a bug, it's a feature.
Starkvix: And I think it's very frustrating that people post without reading any of the previous comments every time.
The blurriness is NOT a bug. Please watch the following YouTube video for clarification:
Opening the video settings menu however should not remove the blurriness and indeed is a bug.
DeadlyDanDaMan: Wow, how much L3 cache does your CPU have if you can load the entire map onto it (minus the spawns - of course)?
Also, you might want to watch the video first that the OP posted if you want to critique his report.
btw, this issue here actually hints at that they might be using streams (TCP) for ephemeral game state data. Reading from streams can easily block if you're not careful.
As I have stated before there is probably either bad thread synchronization or IO (e.g. optimistic stream reading) happening on the rendering thread. Other blocking operations should be considered as well of course. The fact that GPU utilization drops without CPU utilization spiking is a clear sign that some operation is suspending the rendering thread and waiting for a system interrupt before the rendering thread is resumed (usually happens during blocking IO like reading from a file or over-reading from a network stream and in thread synchronization code).
Of course this is pretty much just a guess, an actual analysis would require knowledge and access to the source code, a debugging build and a profiler.
Holok I don't want to offend you, but what you say is only half true. The other half is bullshit from somebody who has never actually written a line of code, yet networking, graphics rendering or game engine code.
I'll leave this up for the devs, they probably (hopefully?) know what they are doing, but to follow up on my stand: the rendering loop can (and should!) continue to render the game even if the simulation has not updated since the last tick. The server not keeping up or a high delay connection should cause something gamers usually refer to as "lag". It should not cause the frame rate to drop or the GPU utilization to drop. If that happens, it is a bug. Mind you: bad game engine design might be at the core here, nevertheless, bad engine design should also be considered a bug.
Cross-Post from YouTube:
Nice work there. I'd say this is a pretty bad bug in the ArmA 2 engine. Fixing this might actually help improve the really bad frame rates the game is known for. Since it's dropping GPU utilization without increasing CPU utilization, it's either file IO which is blocking the main rendering thread or (more likely) bad resource sharing code (locks/mutexes).
Please watch the following YouTube video if you are still having issues with regenerating blood. It explains all the details.
I totally agree that the "area of effect" for damaging items is far too large. In general the inventory damage system seems to need some tweaking. Generally too many items are destroyed. A single shot cannot possibly destroy so many items, because it just can't hit all of them at the same time.
Yes, this is due to server lag, it's still an issue that is fixable by the devs. The solution is optimistic response assumption. The client probably has all the information to determine which actions are currently available on an item, given that the current game state known to the client is correct. So it can just display those to the user. As soon as the server responds with the actually available actions the UI can be updated accordingly. If the user already selected an invalid action, the server will eventually respond with some kind of "Invalid action" message that can just be displayed to the user. In the vast majority of cases the action selected by the user should be actually available and the user experience will be much smoother and more responsive.
As silencerx stated: duplicate of
Reposted as non-private
[assumption] I thought about this a little bit and I believe the reason for it showing up as "Sick" in the inventory screen is due to the quick and dirty implementation of these status indicators just before Christmas. I'm pretty sure whatever causes the "You wound look cleaner now" status messages to pop up (according to several Day Z sources on the net these are "symptoms" of a declining infection) will also cause the "Sick" status in the inventory screen, although technically there never was a sickness.
[just some hear-say] I actually heard Sacriel state on his stream recently, that Rocket told him that when you get the sick status it's just the game revealing to you that you have been sick and are in the process of getting better now. In reality you have been sick all the time.
Please refer everyboody refer to the YouTube videos Toybasher linked (see The health and blood regeneration system works just fine. It is much more complex and harder to understand than in the mod though. The videos linked by Toybasher will explain all of that in detail.
You will need above 3500 energy and 3000 water for at least 20 minutes for regeneration to kick in. For comparison: eating a whole can of beans restores ~ 500 energy and drinking an entire canteen of water restores 1000 water. That's makes the levels you need to reach (and keep!) an equivalent of 7 cans of beans and 3 full canteens of water. Also, your water depletes quickly again and you cannot store a lot of it in your body, so you will need to keep drinking regularly. Refer to the videos for all the details.
It would take me an hour of research and 10 minutes of coding to write something similar to an aimbot based off of this knowledge.
I thought one of the major engine design changes that were undertaken was to make the server the source of truth?
I agree with that ambient light could probably be slightly higher. I totally disagree with adding more colors to the night though. Your eyes can't see colors in low light levels.
Was about to post this myself when I saw that Toybasher already posted it. Just to raise awareness I would recommend any person who considers upvoting or posting to this thread to read Toybasher's comment and watch the video he linked.
I just watched the following video on how health + blood works in the SA today:
It explains why and when your character will become unconscious. One reason for becoming unconscious is dropping below 500 blood. You will however not die when you reach 0 blood, but only after reaching 0 health. However, bleeding alone will not reduce your health. If you drop unconscious by bleeding, you will stay unconscious until you receive a saline bag or blood transfusion. You will never die in this state.
Possible solutions:
a) Players instantly die from 0 blood.
b) Dropping below 500 blood will make you loose health. Continuous blood levels of below 500 will eventually kill you (in whatever time frame the game designers think fits).
After understanding the health / blood / hunger / thirst system better I get the feeling that a lot of bug reports are actually due to confusion how the entire health and survival system works and not actual bugs.