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- Mar 11 2013, 4:07 PM (628 w, 2 d)
Sep 18 2017
as silly as it sounds, unplugging my usb headset (just unplug everything but mouse to test) solved this for me and at least two other people !
read my update pls this may help others
May 10 2016
I had to lol so hard when my buddy told me my gunfire was pitching up as i slowly walked towards him with like 3-5 km/h max ! XD
agreed, this needs fixing, atm it just sounds funny
doppler effect istn even hearable when someone moves towards you with under 20-30 km/h
0010057 this thread you just closed was no duplicate of 0008592 !
I had a whole different approach ! maybe you should review the two threads and re think your decision !
i was talking about a different problem then in the other thread !
In the current dev build, you implemented 3d-scopes .
Don't get me wrong , they look great !
The big problem is, while being zoomed into the scope, you can look arround using the numpad keys (looking left right up down) or a device like trackIR to look around with full field of view ZOOMED in by the the amount of the scope magnification you are using !
I suppose a fix would be :
Disable the options of looking around outside the scope for scopes with magnification (for example SOS, Arco, RCO) because is it extremely unrealistic and gives several players a huge advantage.
Another option could be to force to zoom OUT, when looking around with your head while zoomed into a scope and zooming back in when releasing the button or returning to center view .
@Zeloran :
I'm getting your point ...
Then other charges should get combat ineffective or destroyed like written on wikipedia ...
also, i'm suppoting the detonator thread that was mentioned, but thats another point...
The thing is : atm nothing happens to a charge planted 10cm from an explosion.
the standard loadout of demolition soldier has 1 explosive charge in the inventory ... by the way
if its c4 used in arma as "explosive charge", thats how its named, you could detonate many c4 charges wth one charge that has a detonator by the way, it only depends on the distance to the other charges...
if they are to far to explode maybe they get ineffective, or maybe nothing happens....
i hope you are getting my point ^^
solution a is what i was getting into,
you could reach that by using damage the charge is getting by nearby explosions, or being able to independly put a detonator on the charge that someone else left there .
i am talking about a way to use charges, that someone of your team planted, in the way i was writing about in the description.
yesterday i was playing a coop mission and my team could not complete it because the building we had to destroy was so massive it needed two or more charges to disintegrate.
we ended up as 3 buddies each planting one charge, as we left the building they got shot .
i touched off the charge , only my charge exploded, mission failed .
they were all on one pile inside the building.
this was possible in arma 1,2 and OP flashpoint i think
AND using a grenade to destray an anti personnel mine in a hard to reach place would be unrealistic ???
what do the soldiers in afghanistan do to destroy IEDs ? they blow them up dude
keeping this in mind you could take your downvote back or not if youre still in that opinion ^^
also keep in mind chain reactions will not really be possible simply because of the quantity you can carry of these c4 charges as it was always in arma ....
So you mean it is unrealistic, if you coop with other players to destroy some kind of base and your partners die, you cant make the other explosvies explode with your ones planted ?
this would add some realism, but you would have to separate normal damage or gunfire from for example AT rockets hitting a car cause that would cause an immediate explosion still....
noticed this two, some players entering a vehicle appear in the dead pose when appearing inside
May 9 2016
really about time to tweak this out ... 12 years old XD
changing that would be nice, although priority is not "high" as its not affecting gameplay
same problem !
agree with Kol9yN not dead, but injured, rag doll -> prone