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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 6:53 PM (627 w, 15 h)
May 10 2016
*Title should be Mouse CLICK
Yup! Same for all vehicules engines sounds and weapons too!
There is like 25 issues like this already opened
Yes! Vaulting over obstacle is realistic
But no jumping, just vaulting while continue to run
I cant believe people vote this down. I don't think they quite get what we are trying to explain here. Most of them seems to think we are talking about a big ass wheel that block all the screen and stops you from moving, which is nearly the exact opposite of what we are saying.
And it wouldnt hinder you from moving. From moving the view, yes, but from walking/sprinting.
So you get the best of both world. If you want to keep using the scroll button to switch between actions, no problems. No difference except that instead of having a square box with a list of action, you have a small radial menu with the actions listed there. Heck, keep even the old square menu. But if you want to make actions selection quicker, you could pop the radial menu.
Well the difference it that it would give the option to choose which menu to use depending on the situation.
You could still use the scroll button to scroll through option while moving/shooting, OR you could use the faster radials one for actions that dont require you to move, like getting in a car, dropping C4, or other actions like that.
Well it doesnt have to be as big as in the screenshot. It was only to show how a radial menu looks like. Put it on the top left corner, small, where the scroll menu is already. Make it a little transparent even.
And how would it be hard to display a potentially unbounded list of items? You just transfert the possible actions of the scroll menu into a radial, dynamic one. Not one with already like, 10 presets actions. One that can change accordingly to the available actions.
And about that movement stopping thingy...well not really, let's say scrolling the mouse up would select the actions on the wheel in a clockwise direction, and down would select the actions in a counter clockwise direction. Once the wanted action is chosen, middle click to select it. So this would be more or less the same as currently, usefull for changing weapons on the move. BUT, you could also hold middle click to "activate" the radial menu, making it full opaque, then just move the mouse in the direction of the action you want to use and release it.
May 9 2016
I have a G35 too and same problem.
Didnt tryed fiddling with the ingame sound levels.
Yes. Underwater guns uses special bullets not made for on land combat. They have very little range and impact
Yeah this is an old bug that is present in Arma 2 too. Hope it will get fixed it Arma 3
Is Mumble running in as an administrator?