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- User Since
- Feb 10 2014, 2:57 AM (574 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
There is no way you are getting your money back. You are being made aware of bugs and problems when you buy the game and when you start the game. I seriously doubt that the game has fried your computer. Its just an unlucky coincidence, your computer was probably on the verge of breaking already.
Anyway, here is a way to fix the problem: - Try Googling the problem yourself next time.
Looking at the screenshots he might be talking about items not showing when the are in vicinity. I have noticed this happening in the factory-like building at the big airfield.
"Do not rise" - Can you explain that another way? I have no idea what you are talking about.
What on earth is the point of that plot.log file you have added? Is your Canon LBP 2900 to blame now?
Steam is horrible at updating the game on its own at times. I have it set to normal update priority, so it should trigger by itself. But I have had to set it to experimental build, then go back to normal in order to force an update, after the hotfix was released yesterday. I got the same error before I did this.
It has been fixed on the experimental build. I tried it a little while ago. As far as I know they will push it in the update tomorrow.
I think it would help a lot if you captured this on vid and added a link for it.
Confirmed and assigned to a dev.
I noticed this yesterday when playing with my friend.
He suddenly shouted "Damn this rain!", while I was enjoying the sunshine.
Happened to me and my friend after we had been playing for 6 hours and 25 minutes. After we reached the northern airfield we took a short break and when we came back in, all hell broke loose. I am playing on a horrible laptop right now and he is running on a decent gaming desktop, so its not just a hardware issue on my side.
Pretty much happens like its reported here. We join and its fine for 1-2 minutes, then our fps starts dropping till the game is unplayable.
Ignore the downvoters. They have no feedback. If they havent experienced the bug, which I luckily havent.. yet.. then they cant possibly have any useful feedback.
Im sure the devs can look past a few votes down, as this isnt a feature request but an actual problem with the game.
I had this issue on one of my laptops. Had it happen on this one as well, but after I opened the server details and joined through that window, it wasnt an issue anymore. Seems like a lot of people are having the issue, but there are hardly any details about it anywhere on the net.
Had a friend die on the very same ladder this issue reports. So its confirmed from our side as well.
There is a secret slot where the banana would probably fit in perfectly. But afaik they are not going to add support for it anytime soon :)
As we are currently all having this issue, I assume that any RPT file will do, so I added mine.
Should the dump files also be in the appdata folder? Because I dont see any of them in there. Just the RPT.
Confirmed. Thought it was the "random zombie sound" issue at first, so I didnt pay much attention to it, until I got hit by "nothingness".
Some zombies however are visible. I dont know if its just some models or its a random issue.