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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 5:46 AM (585 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Happens to me constantly, very annoying bug.
This is NOT including the wipe, just happened to me a couple minutes ago.
This is NOT on the private servers floating around out there, these are on the main servers hosted by Vilayer, Gameservers, etc.
Happened to me on US, GB, NL, and DE servers. Easy to reproduce, if you are freshly spawned, simply put your battery in your flashlight, wait a few minutes and log in and out a few times, between 1/3rd and 1/6th of the time you will log in as a freshly spawned character at a new location and without your battery in your flashlight. Happens most frequently when swapping between different servers, but DOES occur when logging in and out of the same server.
Possibly related to this issue:
Have you tried the "fix" detailed in this report that has you go into video settings and then backing out? May be a temporary fix?
No this is unrelated to the blurring bug, which is actually another one of my bug reports ( ). It has happened both day and night, the screen simply goes black like someone just put a burlap sack over your head. The effects and the conditions of occurrence are completely different, and the video bug/trick have no effect.
Tested this at various hills near NWAF, Balota, Zelen, and Cherno.
It's a clipping issue with the vest model. I have tested this by going prone in a spot then ADS, then removing the vest and going ADS again. For some reason if you are aiming downhill it makes you go blind, swapping to crouch, getting out of ADS, or removing the vest all stop this from happening. Note that by aiming downhill I mean that your BODY is angled downhill. The steeper the angle the more you screen becomes occluded.
I removed every piece of gear except the tactical vest and still got this issue. I removed only the tactical vest and the issue disappeared.
I glitched through a wall of a second story building (brig at Zelen) and broke my legs, then logged out for a bit. Logged back in and found myself at the same position with my legs unbroken.
There is a way to bypass signature verification that is already going around, people are simply moving the plants / buildings PBOs back into their original folders before joining servers. Since initial asset loading is handled before server side checks and battleye are enabled, neither of these seem to catch this method.
It's really kind of odd, the barcode type of blurring shown in the screenshots that someone kindly attached only seems to occur for me when I am at menu screen before playing the game. In game I simply get what looks like a Gaussian blur effect that can only be cleared by going to video and backing out. I'm sure these two are related however.
Are you doing this: When the canteen that is currently filled is in your hand slot hit the [X] at the top right of the hand slot in the inventory screen. Drag the empty canteen to your hand slot, then fill it.
Because it works fine for me, I'm unable to reproduce this bug.
You can adjust gamma a brightness settings the same way as done in game by using your video card's software, messing with the setting in game is likely to just make the use of this more exclusive to people who actually know how to use a computer.
This is happening to be as well, almost 1/3rd of the time I join a server. These are not on private hive servers, and has happened to me when rejoining the same server.
Has happened to me on NL, GB, US, and DE servers hosted by about all the big names.
The issue is not that rates of consumption are too high, rather the feedback to the user is too little when at energy / hydration states above the minimum thresholds for alerts but below what is actually ideal. Thus people are repeatedly keeping themselves at the low end of the threshold for warning dialogues to pop up.
Knowing how the medical system works in DayZ SA versus the mod, I feel that this is not a bug, it's an undocumented feature (feels funny to use that in a non-sarcastic way, but the shoe fits.)
The hammer is completely unable to hit anything from the few times I've used it. Other weapons all tested out okay for me (Bat, Both Axes, Shovel, Screwdriver, and Fists).
Happens to me constantly, very annoying bug.
This is NOT including the wipe, just happened to me a couple minutes ago.
This is NOT on the private servers floating around out there, these are on the main servers hosted by Vilayer, Gameservers, etc.
Happened to me on US, GB, NL, and DE servers. Easy to reproduce, if you are freshly spawned, simply put your battery in your flashlight, wait a few minutes and log in and out a few times, between 1/3rd and 1/6th of the time you will log in as a freshly spawned character at a new location and without your battery in your flashlight. Happens most frequently when swapping between different servers, but DOES occur when logging in and out of the same server.