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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 12:40 AM (628 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
I reported the same issue a day earlier, the ticket could be closed/deleted :)
Is this problem reproducable?
Fixed in 12-08-2013
Absolutely vital for this to be fixed in multiplayer!
Original ticket for the issue here :)
Status is acknowledged
The problem is still persistent.
Look up screenshots of the game and material from E3 and gamescom. There are sniper rifles and more scopes in the game...
Yeah that is right, they should show more values and be used more correctly. I think it is certainly possible and the KA-60 would be a bird that would deserve some extra treatment or atleast a revisit from its original Arma 2 PMC state.
Bringing the MFD's to the standart of the other A3 assets would help a lot :)
Fixed in EXE rev. 105957 :)
Is the development team agreeing with the nature of this problem?
I haven't had the issue since the patch which fixed the positions
That's the case with every ladder (check e.g. the radio towers) and prevents you from falling down. If that wouldn't be there, navigating in one of those places would be very difficult to impossible
May 9 2016
Same issue listed here as well
Was about to make a ticket about this but then found you already made it :)
Yeah, the weapon proxy models are not loaded until the player has entered the helicopter.
They should be visible as soon as it is placed on the map.
I had the same problem with the 7870 XT (Tahiti LE). After resetting the OC of the memory, I haven't seen the artifacts again yet.
It also appeared on the new lightouse in the south.
Can you also reproduce the bushes and brick wall?
I agree. There should be a seperate option to change firemodes on the rockets. Perhaps F for switching weapons and CTRL+F for switching firemodes.
Just give the female characters the ability to use weapons out of the box and let the community make configs for female soldiers if people think that's required so badly...
Helicopters with wheels can taxi and it's already possible in Take on Helikopters so it should just be an issue of getting the config of the KA-60 adjusted and expanded by the new functions. It would definitely be a very nice and needed feature!