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- User Since
- Feb 7 2015, 9:50 AM (526 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
Confirmed. I got sick too. I was cooking cowmeat on fireplace with a stick. No place in backpack, so cooked meat went on ground and then eaten. 3 min later I got sick.
Confirmed to. If you have a backpack it goes in there. But if you are a freshy with a handgun and no backpack, then it is gone forever. Happend 3 times for me in 15 min.
Bad bug, very bad bug.
I have the same problem. Confirmd
I have the same problem
I hear a metalic sound when eating food. Anyone else hear that ?
I got sick by human meat, but I have not treid animal meat. I will check it out, hopefully medicin will cure me.
I have the same problem
Sometimes items is glichts out off a house
Confirmed, no animals spawn in exp .57
Same problem. Here is my crash log, from AppData/local/Dayz
Game crash to desktop with memory error window. Files uploaded.
confirmed +1
It happens also along the north cost city´s and inland. It is really spooky.
confirmed +1
Confirmed.. thought my friend was a perv.. but I guess it is just a bug :-)
I had this error. Dayz 54
" The instruction at 0x004a1637 refenced memory at 0xd048b00. The memory could not be written".
In stream browser i also had a map open.
Any idea what that error is about ?
2/3 2015: Uploaded Dxdiag and RPT files. (launch parameters hads always been clean)
Remember to click "view content" on cooking pot (on the ground), before putting meat in.
In the process off skinning try too press Z, multiple times . Till the process is done. It works for me. Simply spam Z. Cooking fish is a bug.
Cooking on low pop server in 1st person, persistiens off. Meat from cow, deer, boars is pristine (not raw) at the time you skin the animal. So you can eat it right away. By making a fireplace/owen with 8 stones and having a cooking pot, I was able to cook the meat for the first time. I put water in the pot, and select "view content" on cooking pot, then I was able to put the meat in, from backpack to pot. However a can off Beans did not work !! . Edit: picture 2.. cans can not be cooked.
May 10 2016