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- User Since
- May 14 2019, 11:15 PM (304 w, 1 d)
Jul 3 2022
Nov 28 2021
Yes this needs to be reopened as the issue is back with a vengeance mostly with using Expansion I get the server to boot with these mods,..
Yes this needs to be reopened as the issue is back with a vengeance mostly with using Expansion I get the server to boot with these mods,..
Jul 25 2019
Is this on a desktop PC or a laptop?, Can you provide specs of your graphics card, HDD size (and amount of free space), amount of ram and the processor type, That error is usually associated with older graphics cards that use early shader versions typically (though I maybe wrong), Alternatively you can attach a copy of your dxdiag log, to do this open run command, start>run then type dxdiag and hit enter, then once its opened select save information and you will get a txt file, and you can upload that here.
Jul 24 2019
Try this; Uninstall all Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables and All DayZ from win10 > settings > Apps& Features, At this point you might as well uninstall graphics drivers, so install and run a program called DDU and it will uninstall all graphics drivers from your system, then Restart system, Install and run CCleaner> use easy clean setting and also Registry clean, Then Install latest graphics drivers for your card then restart again and install DayZ via steam, It should then install all that required of the C++ Redis while installing and see how you go. if you still have the same error it may not be graphics related, if you do just take a screenshot of the error message and post it here.
lol.. or when we can take a dump be able to use that and get shitfaced to attract flies for camouflage and look like a filthy zed... mud would be nice or even camo face paint (hoorah) would be sweeter.
+1 ^^ We want to administer the server live whilst players do not need the admin tool set.. this needs to be made available.
+1 ^^ We want to administer the server live whilst players do not need the admin tool set.. this needs to be made available.
Jul 23 2019
Post it here it should be fine.
Do you have all Microsoft Visual C++ Redis installed?, if so uninstall them and uninstall the game and run a reg cleaning tool like Advanced system care or Ccleaner, restart then reinstall the game then it should install all needed versions of Redist to make it run. Also whats the error that you get popping up?
@MyBraiNs AMD GPU paired with AMD CPU I have never used, FYI AMD GPU always gave me issues, Ive been running a Nvidia GTX1080 with a 8350FX CPU and have no dramas for a few years now, I take it you have AMD control center running? Id start by either setting the graphics options to let the application decide or uninstall CCC and just run the driver for the GPU (may be hard to do so but worth a try), also make sure you CPU is running at full cores all the time as the game is CPU intensive not so much GPU intensive as other games are, any AMD overlay or OS overlays id also disable and just run steam overlay, Also turn off freesync on your monitor if you can as the game favors Gsync more Ive noticed. its all trial and error but at least your narrowing it down, I had a stutter with my mouse a while back now and it turned out to be a program that was running in the background eg, cloud, megasync etc.. once I turned them off or uninstalled them I was fine.
Jul 21 2019
It being dragged about on the ground isnt normal but it does correct itself, Ive had it a few times now and it fixes itself up after taking it off and putting it on again, being able to spawn this item in separately indicates to me that its WIP for being able to remove and replace these filters on this mask. So id say atm its somewhat normal as this feature is still being worked on im guessing.
Jul 20 2019
@Geez Also added video on this issue as well to help with description.
@Geez Added video to help with description
I think the filter will be removable soon so as to replace it when it get used/ruined.
@Geez Yes I have confirmed its still present in EXP 1.04.152166 patch, Its quite nasty, I have updated description and reproduction method.
Jul 18 2019
Jul 7 2019
It also wont jump at speed over any burms/slopes, not like its a low lambo cmon?... try it at 100klm and see what happens, especially with a gun in your hands.. XD!
This happens (usually) when there is a collision in the are that will be built, I couldnt build upper frame on a watchtower because a small tree branch was in its path, another example is when building stairs they wouldnt build because there was a peice of paper on the ground where the stairs area is,... Devs we would much rather being able to build in more places on slopes etc, and very close to other items buildings, trees, rocks etc... please also look at tickets T141391 and T141393 these also need addressing.
Jul 1 2019
Upgrading severity.
Upgrading severity.
Jun 28 2019
Possibly how the weather is set on the servers, my servers have random weather etc, and clear days regularly so its possible its been set to be static then on some servers?
It could be just the weather on your particular day, Ive sniped people an easy 1100m away from the top of lopatino hill facing the top of NWAF north at the tower and see and hit targets,... also people dont render in any further away than 1100m.. unless you edit your settings to make view distance and render distance further away :-).
Jun 27 2019
Here is a possible solution.
Jun 24 2019
Could possibly be all wells?, I got sick from drinking directly from a well at Kamensk. On the exp branch before latest patch release. Took 2 charcoal tabs and 2 tetracycline and resolved it.