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- Jun 1 2014, 1:10 AM (563 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
Can confirm. I noticed this bug in 0.47.
Can confirm. So annoying. How did THAT make it past experimental.
May 10 2016
The bug is a little different for me, It doesn't matter whether im prone or not. Sometimes when Im zoomed in on my mosin with a long range scope my character will zoom out and then throw the gun away. I have no idea what triggers this, on some servers I can stay zoomed in for several minutes without an incident but on other servers my character has thrown his gun away as many as 4 times in as many minutes. Its almost game breaking. This needs a hotfix ASA f**king P.
Try hitting a zombie with a machete or knife and then come back and tell me its better. I DARE YOU.
The hit box issue is present in 0.48 stable. Try hitting a zombie with a machete. Mother of God, I bandaged up 7 times in a single town because I simply couldn't hit the zeds before they hit me.
@Solo you have only found 1 protector case and you have been playing Dayz since it came out? Where have you been looking for them, on the ocean floor?
Would love to play some 0.45 stable. Haven't even dared to log in because of the infestation of hacking scum the game currently has.
You would have no concern getting on a train (most likely buggy)with several other strangers. It would be a killing ground. And Chernarus is obviously not a technologically advanced area of a country with self automated trains. And Nuclear power plants still need people to work them. I agree with Doc Nefarious, it would ruin the immersion. The only thing I can think of that might fit into the game is one of those Handcar trains.
I hope this is fixed soon. This hack has happened to me twice in a day. I just managed to gear back up on a relatively quiet server but now I don't want to play because of the fear of this happening.
The second time it happened to me I was walking through Berezino when I ran into a fresh spawn who said "friendly friendly". I let him go on his way after offering him food, he then stood still while zombies attacked him. I pulled out my gun to help when my gun and backpack disappeared, he then teleported away. Nice....
UPDATE: Just joined a busy server. got hacked within two minutes. TWO F**KING MINUTES!!
I think its been semi-fixed. You can see blood splatters again when firing the mosin up to 800m. However I tried a 950m shot and couldn't spot the impact at all.
Has this not been fixed for the .45 stable release either? WTF?!?
Confirmed. Fired 5 shots at a target standing still. He was panicking so I know the bullets were landing close by, but I didn't know where and therefore was unable to adjust my shots.
Has something changed? In 0.46 with 50% gamma and brightness, night time is so bright it may as well be day time but in black and white.
Yep, can confirm. Seems to happen most on busy servers, clicking the 1 key multiple times to get my rifle out only to have it immediately holster again if It registered more than 1 key stroke.