User Details
- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 11:17 PM (585 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Confirmed, 0.30.113860.
- He can report back which item is responsible.
- He can play again.
Check your inventory for items that are placed in other items and drop them.
(Small Protector Case, Med Kit, etc.)
Confirmed. Accuracy is horrible.
The new apartment buildings in Berezino are a death trap. Those f'ing ladders.
Confirmed, it's very bad today (23.12.2013)
Is it the main hive?
Your upstream is pretty low, but your downloadspeed is insanely high. > 2Mbit/s
Btw. I had the same Problem. I think it's because of some items in your inventory.
Confirmed, 0.30.113860.
AMD Crossfire isn't working as well.
Confirmed, 0.30.113860.
To reproduce the error try to add -winxp as a startup parameter.
Join a server and then Alt+TAB out of the Game and then back in.
That won't work.
xD doesn't
Running two AMD HD 4850, same problem.
Confirmed, 0.30.113860.