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Interesting issue regarding 100k desync *Confirmed Fix in notes*
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So my buddies and I (who are in Denmark and in a different state than I) have come across a really odd desync bug. The only thing that we have in common is that we are all on steam.

So I start out logged into a server, everything is fine I can change and move inventory without issue. One of my buddies log into the server, no problems, 2nd one logs in, no problems, 3rd one logs in, I can't do anything and my desync is at 100k and not moving on my side.

While nothing is moving on my side, they report that my desync starts to drop then rises again, so I change servers.

(This seems to only happen to me.)

I log onto another server and everything is fine, we start the process all over. Same thing happens, after that 3rd person logs in on my steam friends list, I get a complete desync from the server.

I use Sophos UTM9 for my gateway/router and have monitored my connection to the servers. In the course of the my friends logging in I get regular packet traffic from the server, but once that 3rd person logs in, the server seems to cease all packet traffic to my client, resulting in 100k desync.

This seems to happen with almost every server I log into, on occasion everything is fine, but since patch 860, we have been having this odd desync issue.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

EDIT: It seems I have come across a fix for massive desync's (At least for me).

I run a UTM gateway called UTM 9 by Sophos and came across something that has relived my desync altogether. Now during a normal and desync gameplay there are UDP packets sent from the server to the client in MASS causing a UDP Packet Flood, during this flood of incoming data, my gateway sees this as a potential threat and stops it at the door on UDP ports 2302-2305, (This method was tested during a 100k desync) while I was desynced I went into UTM9 checked Anti-DoS and Flooding real time logs and watched my firewall/gateway block everything on those ports.

After everything was confirmed that UTM 9 was blocking these packets from the server, I proceeded to add an exception to skip UDP Anti-DoS/Flooding on ports 2302-2305 within Intrusion prevention. Once the exception rule was added my desync cleared up and I was able to play again.

Now for people who do not have UTM 9 and have a standard router/firewall, you may need to look to see if you have any kind of anti-DoS/flooding control and create an exception for those ports explained above.

I hope this help everyone who is having these desync problems.

OLD: I've been having these odd desync issues with one or more of my friends on steam.

We have been rolling in a group of seven to eight with no problems for the last few days, but this problem has come around before.

What happens is I log on a server, do what I need to do, no problems, have a few friends log on, no problems. Then certain friends start to log on and I can't do anything, but they can without a problem.

Now this only happens when I am in there network bubble within the server, if I go outside of this bubble I have full use of everything, but once I get near my friend I can't do anything, but the other six or seven are functioning just fine.

We have tested this over and over, and the person changes without any kind of pattern, only way we figure out who is causing the problem is standard elimination of having people log out while I am in the area.

These desync problems are a real pain in the ass and I have tried everything from changing my IP, restarting steam, disabling my UTM9 gateway, doing complete bypass's straight to the modem, so far it comes down to it's not my network, but something on the DayZ server/Hive that is causing these huge desync's while in the same network bubbles.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Bohemia edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 29 2013, 1:57 AM
Bohemia edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bohemia set Category to Multiplayer.
Bohemia set Reproducibility to Always.
Bohemia set Severity to None.
Bohemia set Resolution to Open.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 2424503777.May 8 2016, 3:38 PM


Check your inventory for items that are placed in other items and drop them.
(Small Protector Case, Med Kit, etc.)

Grumpy added a comment.Jan 1 2014, 2:13 PM

How is this helpful Fosh33zy?


  1. He can report back which item is responsible.
  2. He can play again.
Grumpy added a comment.Jan 1 2014, 4:03 PM

I noticed just now, that I got 100.000 desync just 5-10 seconds after logging onto a low ping server. After maybe 10-20 seconds, the desync value went back to 0.

I had uninstalled DayZ and reinstalled it just previously to try fix some antialiasing issue (trees and grass started to look odd at some point earlier).

Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 8 2016, 3:38 PM

Negative effect, as all I have at this point is a full hunters backpack, same with my friend.

We have ruled out any item issues this morning.

Today there was no desync at all, everything went smooth with some servers just lagging to hell even though the ping to was about 20+

This morning, the one friend who causes my desync got on to play, he was far from were we where and running towards us. During this time he was out of my network bubble and I was able to play normally (I'm thinking OK, this resolved it's self).

As he got into my network bubble I became completely unable to play the game, and desync hit 100k.

Currently this one friend is the only person out of nine that is causing me unplayable deync issues.

I'm at a loss, without viewing server logs I can't say if there is an item conflict or not, but I can state that none of us have backpacks with in backpacks.

5:56 pm cst

Friend is online in same game, desync is 100k when we are in the same area.

Outside of area everything works.


My buddy had a ammo can with nothing but 60 stacks of 5.56.

Removal of this fixed the problem.

Another desync has shown up from a different buddy.

He had three yellow boxes filled to the brim, I also had one yellow box filled with two saline IV kits and it caused him to desync.

We dropped the boxes, log onto other servers and everything started working.

Had the same problem. Was caused by containers. Removed containers, problem went away.

tinkzor added a subscriber: tinkzor.May 8 2016, 3:38 PM

Also this problem:

I have a SIMILAR problem also, it began with me getting extreme desync 100000 or something, then all of a sudden this started happening, I log on to new servers can SOMETIMES see for a few seconds what's around me (my friend(s) etc.) and then massive lag (my friend running on the spot when he's actually next to me (talking over TS) sometimes I can't see him at all. I have 0 ping ,0 bandwidth, 0 desync all the time and so does everyone else on the server.

my friend says when I push my hotkeys (1, 2, 3, etc.) that he can see me equipping the item but then automatically putting them away again, this started today around 11:00AM (UTC+10:00) and has continued until now when I just tried to log on to multiple servers for over an hour to see if I could play.


Confirmed another desync issue.

It seems Ammo boxes that have had 60 stacks of 5.56 will cause a desync.

Even 60 stack of 5.56 cause desync.

Yellow boxes with anything in them will cause desync.

This was all confirmed from two different people that helped me test this.

I know this has been said many many times, and the fixes have been said many many times, but these desyncs are getting way out of hand.

My buddies and I have gone through each others inventory over and over to make sure no one has containers within each other. We have played without fail for long periods of time. Recently I have been desyncing randomly after a period of time with my buddies on.

This seems to be a new desync and so far we can't find anything that is causing it. This also ends my night of playing.

New desync issue found.

Ruined 60 Mag with 60 rounds caused the desync.

@turoklive, No.

Please read notes above.

Do any of your friends or yourself store storage boxes within themselves or backpacks within backpacks?

I know your pain, we have a group of 10 that we have to split up now cause we cause each other desyncs.

We did come across a few other types of items causing desync, one was we looted a few items off a player and that caused a desync instantly. Another was a can opener and ammo box.

It seems to be VERY random what item is causing the problem, but it seems most of the items that have caused a desync are ruined items.

All of our net connections are 50 meg pipes and up. 2 of us live in Denmark and the rest of live all over the states.

I'm at a complete loss at what is causing this problem. I'm about to rent a server to basically use for testing desync issues by grabbing the server logs.

This has gone on for over a month now, and is only getting much much worse.

New desync issue.

My buddy desyncs no matter what on any server he goes too.

He is re installing Battle Eye to see if this works.

fr3nchy added a subscriber: fr3nchy.May 8 2016, 3:38 PM

issue here.. annoy the crap out of me and my friends:
log into a server ( any server) with 2 friends ( in hawai) and Im Ontario, both on my steam friends list. and cannot do ANYTHING as long as both of them are in the server with me.
As soon as they leave, everything goes back to normal.
I delete them both from my friend list, reboot PC, log back in..:( out of lucky, they make sure to delete me from their list too, reboot, same shit....

they leave the server, again, back to normal...

Grumpy added a comment.Jan 8 2014, 8:48 PM

I got a sudden red chain 100.000 desync, but I had no cointainers on me.

I had a checker shirt with a couple of items on it and a default pants with some items in it.

I am using latest dev build 0.30.114008.

Another new desync issue.

We have tried being completely naked and moving from one server to another, and we will still desync.

I effect one of my buddies, one of my buddies effect me, and others can move without problem.

We have over and over again tested about 50 servers, all are the same result, it doesn't matter if it's low pop, high pop, or no one on.

wow,i thought my friend just have a bad internet.this is exactly the same issue my friend have

we cant really confirm if containers or 60clip ammo deos the desync..
here is the video i created
i tried completely turning off my firewall and it helped me a little since i cant really do anything on every server before.but when i turned my firewall off and updated my battle eye manually(*make sure to download the dayz version*,i can connect to some servers now with no problem just a few desync sometimes.hope it may help some people,and feel free to comment too in my video what happened after trying it.

The more votes this gets, the quicker the dev's look at it.

Me and my friends are having the same issue. The desync is at 100k and i can see him but he cannot see me. We are trying some of the steps posted on here to see if something helps. Will post my results, but this really needs to to be fixed. This is a grame braking issue, as i do not play DayZ by myself only with others.

cato556 added a subscriber: cato556.May 8 2016, 3:38 PM

Same issues here. No matter what server, all players show up with 0 for ping, bandwidth, and desync. I cannot draw weapons, use anything in my inventory, or interact with the environment. All of this still happening even after trying all methods specified above. Hopefully devs can fix this soon.

Elwo added a subscriber: Elwo.May 8 2016, 3:38 PM
Elwo added a comment.Jan 12 2014, 9:22 AM

I read half of the comments, and I can confirm.
Random desync, related to items/players having some specific items etc.

I met up with my friend, gave him blood bag, and he asked me where am I. I could see how he moved, but he only saw me later when my glitched character was running across the airfield, while I was standing right next to him. Wierd.

I have been unable to play the game for days, i could not open doors, take out weapons etc. yet my desync said 0 but also ping and bandwidth was 0, tryed everything i could think of on my end and nothing worked. I when in game and i removed from my inventory my 3 yellow storage boxes in my backpack and my first aid pack as well as my ammo box. I logged out of server turned off game; started back game when to a new server, and it seemed that was not fixed but WAIT, around 1min later my desync showed up (where before it along with ping was 0) i waited some more and the game went back to normally, ive now played for 40 mins and no problem, jumped servers to test it and still working.
I never have used the glich where you can put boxes etc in other boxes, but it seems by me just having a few full storage boxes, med kit etc in my backpack it caused the bug.

Id check you character see, if you too have ammo box full, and storgae boxes full etc and if so remove them.

I cant say this is the "fix" but it worked for me. So worth looking in to I would think.


It seems I have come across the fix for massive desync's (At least for me).

I run a UTM gateway called UTM 9 by Sophos and came across something that has relived my desync altogether. Now during a normal and desync gameplay there are UDP packets sent from the server to the client in *MASS* causing a UDP Packet Flood, during this flood of incoming data, my gateway sees this as a potential threat and stops it at the door on UDP ports 2302-2305, (This method was tested during a 100k desync) while I was desynced I went into UTM9 checked Anti-DoS and Flooding real time logs and watched my firewall/gateway block everything on those ports.

After everything was confirmed that UTM 9 was blocking these packets from the server, I proceeded to add an exception to skip UDP Anti-DoS/Flooding on ports 2302-2305 within Intrusion prevention. Once the exception rule was added my desync cleared up and I was able to play again.

Now for people who do not have UTM 9 and have a standard router/firewall, you may need to look to see if you have any kind of anti-DoS/flooding control and create an exception for those ports explained above.

I hope this help everyone who is having these desync problems.

That have been confirmed , there is that one guy that cuse me to desync when he logs into the server , we have checked for the items he got and non of them was on the list of the items witch cuse the problem ... this is so fucken annoying ! i guess this is one of the most important problems around and it needs to be fixed ASAP !

ripzeus you mentioned a solution but i dont know what is a UTM 9 is , i only use a ADSL router and thats it , i forwarded a port in the NAT using the ports you provided , is that what you mean ?


Pleas refer to this reddit link.

I hope this helps, if not let me know and I will walk you through it.

Junos added a subscriber: Junos.May 8 2016, 3:38 PM
Junos added a comment.Feb 25 2014, 6:18 AM

Please, everyone, just stop.

This bug report is not even about a specific, reproducible problem. "It's my router," "it's my inventory," "it's ok today," "later it got laggy," "my buddies didn't have the problem," "earlier I didn't have the problem," and so on. "The magic desync number was at X," "my inventory was slow," "the server felt laggy," etc.

As Rocket himself has said, the chain is not necessarily an indication of a problem. It basically just means "loading", and that's exactly what happens when new clients connect to the server.

Actual "desync" is when clients' local states are out of sync with each other, i.e. one guy sees his buddy running in place, but the other guy on his own screen is 200m away. This can happen with no visible red nor yellow chain. And when there is a visible red or yellow chain, everything can still be working just fine for you and your buddies nearby.

People really need to stop using the term "desync", because most people don't know what it is. It's very much like the way people say they are getting "lag" when their actual problem is low framerate. Lag refers specifically to network latency.

All of these issues--and they are many and many are orthogonal--will probably be fixed naturally in the development process. All this "Me too! I also had problem Y and felt like the game was laggy!" is not helpful. At best it's a waste of time. At worst it misleads people into changing system configurations which won't help and may actually cause other problems.

well as the bad luck i am used to , i cant find any thing about UDP of IP flood protection :( ! if any of you guys can help me walk throw doing it in the ZTE ZXV10 W300 router i will be in his dept ! i really got depressed and stopped playing the game because of this problem :(

@ripzeus i am so grateful that you are trying to help !! thank you so much :)


Page 30 has a simple configuration for Firewall and SPI. Unfortunately your router doesn't have the means to put exceptions in for the UDP ports that DayZ uses.

It is not recommend to disable the firewall, but for testing purposes. You can disable it to see if there is a difference. Once again this is not recommended.

@ripzeus yep i already did that , and unfortunately it did not really help :'(