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- Dec 24 2013, 2:34 AM (581 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Not a bug, double tab alt.
I am stunned, I think you're missing since a pristine fire axe to the face/back/chest/crotch/knee kills any infected in one swing (which I find OP)
If you can see them, they can smell you. Serious note, I have noticed this as well, what is odd about the AI behavior though is sometimes a close infected will pay no attention to you but one 50-100m away will take off toward you full tilt.
I have tried to replicate to see if a certain character model of infected is more prone to this or not but so far it is random on which infected ignore you close and which ones take off from afar to eat dinner.. your face.
isaac_miles whew that makes it a bug and not a gamebreaker! I had no friends on to replicate and follow through with. It was totally an accident when it happened I just drank from a well ran away to eat, seen another player approach the well I left.. I retreated further away with the food still in my hand and looked back. And voila I seen the options. I was thinking of giving the player some disinfectant but couldn't bear to do it so cheatingly <<Not a word, but it fits. vote that one up. It is a major problem, replicated slow running, group running, individual running, weapon out, weapon on back, sprinting etc. It is a true gamebreaker for anyone that explores the map and doesn't just sit in cities or military encampments.
Not new by any means, and a suppressor does neither of the things you think it does. Look up subsonic rounds and suppressors :)
This has happened to me repeatedly today, with weapon out and without it. Yesterday it happened to a friend repeatedly as well, and another friend is experiencing it now repeatedly. You run forward across the map a couple hundred meters, the character warps back to a point and just looks like a screenshot (or rotates in a 360) with no input possible. You have to alt f4 to leave. You can make it 1000m after about 5 freezes. Windows 7 as well for me, Windows 8 for one of my friends. 550TI for me, 770 for a friend and unknown for the other friend. Used "default" video settings as well as adjusted to lowest possible, highest possible, medium etc and it continues to happen.
In a game like this "realism" a suppressor is only a slight notch down in sound. Especially when not using subsonic rounds.
I have ran with P toggled and haven't seen any correlation between this problem and the shown desync. I however have noticed it happens more frequently around Green Mountain or that could just be confirmation bias.