I’m saddened to say that today was the first time in my life my friends and me closed dayz for the rest of the day because it’s literally unplayable with the lags.
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Nov 8 2023
Can confirm. Same thing happened to me today too
Oct 6 2023
In T175909#2508973, @Nadopotato wrote:In T175909#2508097, @JuicelessDaddy wrote:In T175909#2507781, @Leandro2002 wrote:Are you aware of the mouse and keyboard bug? platform (xbox) there are times when we can't shoot when we aim, or we can't even aim as we follow! Lololol get off m&k
Dayz has mnk enabled servers? Not sure why everyone hates on it like it's cheating if you don't wanna play with mnk players go play on a contoller only server ? Like people use mnk converters and shit on seige rust and other shit that there not supposed to but you guys can actually do something abt it and just not play mnk servers and stop crying
Oct 5 2023
Jun 9 2023
Tried it today. Seems to be fixed. Didn’t realise this was part of the last hotfix. I’m sorry.
Jun 7 2023
Xbox Series x on DE Livonia 1450
This happened to a buddy of mine too. Walked around with full food and full water and caught cholera out of nothing. Only drank water out of wells, had gloves on etc.
Played with Xbox series X btw
Happened to me yesterday on 4722 at around 16:30-17:00 (4pm to 5pm). Character name: c00kied0ugh
Had the same problem. I took stuff out of my truck, logged out and approx 15 minutes later logged back in and got 35sec timer. Lost the stuff I took out of my truck few seconds before I logged out.
Jun 6 2023
May 29 2023
Mar 31 2023
Mar 28 2023
Mar 7 2023
This was on DE 4104 on low population