Everybody that is still of the opinion that those who are complaining about the muzzle climb and overall feeling of the weapon do just want to have a silly fps pee shooter, please read keenly what's been wrote here about the problem.
Cychou for example made a good point: Not matter if you consider that amount of muzzle climb "realistic" or not, after releasing the trigger gravity and muscle memory will bring the gun back approximately to the area you began shooting (not saying it would be right on target again). That's just how it is in reality. Otherwise you would have to hold the gun up to the sky intentionally. That's just completely unnatural.
Let alone firing weapons like the LMGs from a deployed prone position. There is hardly any vertical muzzle movement.
And most of those saying the recoil isn't simulated right, know about how to use the weapons. You guys don't have to tell everybody: "You should fire semi automatic or in burst." or "You should consider that, do this, before complaining." Would make the discussion a lot more bearable.