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May 10 2016
Still not working on Dedi.
This will not work.. because this will not detect wals/building so you can "see trought"
Does anyone have a workround for this issue ?
I found a way: create a fakeObject on the unit (attach it) and make it invisible with setObjectTexture
(do not use hideObject, it will not returned by lineintersectsobjs)
lineintersectsobjs also not returning any units
without unit detection this funktions are 50% useless
Thanks oukej ! Good job. maybe there is something wrong with the rack hitbox or weapon resting ? Hope you find a solution. I will remove the racks on my missions now.
Military Office Altis: 173131 - near Pygros
I stripped down the complete mission, but sorry i cant reproduce the Bug.. its a 50/50 chance they stuck or not..
i uploaded the file:
How To:
1: Get any gear on Virtual Arsenal
2: Walk out the Military Office
Try different timings for this...
1: Run out the door after you have your gear
2: Get your Gear, wait 3 - 5 Sec and move out then.
3: Get your Gear and run to the Chopper.
its complete different each time.
@oukej: i will try to reproducing it tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for your time.
AI- complete stuck:
DEV-Build: 1.43.129935
btw. the AI works mutch better in the 1.40 stable like in current DEV-Build.
most of the time the AI stuck in citys. example: one of your Team (AI) moves randomly in a House (dont know why) and then he get stucked in this building. Other example: if you use script Commands like:
_unit setCaptive true;
_unit hideObject true;
sleep 10;
_unit hideObject false;
_unit setCaptive false;
then some times the unit will stop moving and complete ignore commands from the leader.
May 9 2016
BIS releasing new terrain but not fixing major bugs. Slowly I lose the desire to play this game or building missions for it.
Assigned 2014-04-28.... hmmm whats wrong ?
please fix the timing so we can use 60 setOvercast 1
will this also fix setOvercast command/timing ? Ty
So Marksmen DLC is out.. pls BIS now look at the Weather sync and overcast timing !
If you get bad FPS in Multiplayer this is not a problem by your system ! Its the Netcode thats make it laggy ! If the Server runs with low FPS you also get LOW FPS on Highend machine. im playing Coop missions with my friends on Stratis i got 90 - 120 FPS on Altis i have 40 FPS (in Citys) and 80 - 120 FPS outside. Running GTX 970 ( FullHD all Ultra)
Nothing new...