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A Grand Collection of Occlusion Issues
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


Note: I've compiled this report to address several related issues for better tracking.
Please keep in mind that I am not a native English speaker, so feel free to ask for additional details if something is unclear.

1. Occlusion by Terrain Issues:
Problem: Objects are not correctly occluded by terrain when the camera is facing specific angles.
Details: When the camera rotation falls between 135 and 315 degrees, objects are not being properly culled by the terrain, leading to performance issues.
Video Demonstration

2. Missing Occluders for Spawned Items and Occasional Occlusion Issues:
Problem 1: Manually spawned items lack occluders.
Details 1: Manually spawned objects lack occluders, while "baked-in map" (static) objects have occluders, which leads to performance issues in custom-made locations.
Problem 2: Occasionally, occluders fail to hide models that are clearly behind them.
Details 2: Certain camera angles prevent occlusion culling from functioning correctly.
Video Demonstration (both issues are captured)

3. Proxy Occluder Inconsistencies:
Problem: Proxy occluders for map objects are not working as intended. Additionally, the behavior of proxy occluders for manually spawned objects is contrary to expectations.
Details: Proxy occluders for map objects are not performing their occlusion duties as intended. The occlusion order for spawned objects is incorrect, with the main model being occluded first, followed by proxies in proxy occluders, and other proxies being occluded last, leading to performance issues.
Video Demonstration

4. Frustum Culling Disables Shadows:
Problem: Frustum culling is preventing shadows from rendering.
Details: While occlusion culling still renders shadows (even at lower resolutions), frustum culling entirely disables the rendering of models and their associated shadows. This leads to flickering shadows when within the shadow of the affected model.
Video Demonstration


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Additional Information

You may also want to check if these issues don't manifest in Arma Reforger.

Event Timeline

Moonny created this task.Sep 25 2023, 5:17 PM
Dwarden added a subscriber: Dwarden.Oct 4 2023, 4:34 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Oct 4 2023, 11:40 AM
lava76 added a subscriber: lava76.Feb 20 2024, 2:10 PM
Moonny added a subscriber: Geez.Mar 16 2024, 7:55 PM

@Geez Hello. Any news on this?

Geez added a comment.Mar 18 2024, 10:23 AM

No news I can provide as of now unfortunately. However occlusion issues are being looked into in general when faulty buildings are being reported.

This comment was removed by Leshiy1000.

@Moonny Hi, add me to the discord
I want to ask about the script for the controller

Any updates on this issue?

kuzyn added a subscriber: kuzyn.Dec 30 2024, 12:23 AM
This comment was removed by kuzyn.
Geez added a comment.Jan 3 2025, 9:45 AM

Hi @Geez
Any new information regarding this issue?

Hello, unfortunately there is no new information I could provide.

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Acknowledged.Jan 3 2025, 11:36 AM

Hello again.
All of the issues have been confirmed and scheduled for a fix with exception of nr. 4
First part of nr.4 will not get fixed and second part is using camera to access inaccessible part of building where we do not expect occluders to function properly.

Moonny added a comment.Jan 3 2025, 1:16 PM

First part of nr.4 will not get fixed and second part is using camera to access inaccessible part of building where we do not expect occluders to function properly.


The second part of nr.4 wasn't meant to be fixed.

It is there to show that you already have a working method to hide 3D objects while still keeping their shadows. It is already implemented in occlusion culling (when camera was in the wall), so there might be a possibility to use same technic in frustum culling (when we are facing away from object).

Because currently objects hidden by frustum culling lack shadows and it is very noticeable in situations like first part of nr.4.

kuzyn added a comment.Jan 3 2025, 8:18 PM
This comment was removed by kuzyn.

Oh... So.. This issue I've been fighting the past few months is an engine issue...?

DJTrump added a subscriber: DJTrump.Jan 4 2025, 7:10 AM

I think there's something wrong with the camera