So, with the release of the cURL Context API in 1.05, I couldn't help but notice that it was a bit.. bare bones, I know it's going to be worked on more, but I would just like to post some suggestions!
Specify Headers - This will allow for us to specify whether the content type is json, xml, etc, not just content type, also user-agent and authorisation header.
Set timeout - This allows us to set our own timeout. Lets say our API is being slow to respond, and the cURL timeout is default 10 seconds. We would want to extend this, it has many use-cases.
Allow POST to have a callback to use the OnSuccess, OnTimeout and OnError functions inside of the callback class.
An option to allow/reject redirects.
An option to allow for cURL to save the data into a directory/file (The best places for this would be $profiles and $saves, much like the OpenFile function)
An option to specify whether reject sites with no SSL Certificate (default true)
Text file upload
Access to DELETE, PUT and PATCH