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- User Since
- Mar 26 2013, 5:50 AM (623 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Confirmed as still present as of 2015-04-12. Mouse buttons and keyboard keys are not registered together and the singular "stance adjust" option under "Configure-> Controls-> Infantry Movement" is still missing.
Creating a new profile has no effect.
Up voted. I can't tell you how many balconies I've fallen from because of the rotation axis. I've seen clipping issues get worse, not better, because of this design choice.
The first thing I do when I load into a mission is turn the map textures off. It would be wonderfully convenient to not worry about it anymore - not to mention relieving loading issues and whatnot for having textures enabled by default.
While I admit that some things should not be left up to the community to create/fix/etc, I think an exception can be made in this case. If the community wants VBIED's, the community can make VBIED's.
I did a search for this issue or something similar to it, but didn't turn up anything. I may not have searched correctly.
Do you know the ticket number for the previous upload?
I would need to find and install a free video capture program, learn how to use it, then learn how to upload the video for viewing.
This issue is extremely easy to reproduce in the editor.
Agreed. Weather has always been lackluster in the Arma series. Those clouds sure do look pretty, though.
This issue isn't specific to Arma 3. Most programs I have ever had running while changing my output device failed to notice the switch, effectively cutting off sound until the program was restarted.
Driving backwards in first person is possible and it is usable in its current state - it's just very sloppy. Mirrors aren't even trying to mirror anything, let alone present an accurate image considering their placement on any given vehicle. If possible, the cameras (or whatever the mirrors use for their images) should be placed at the mirror and reversed as necessary to present an accurate "reflection."
I think the only mirror that works well is the one mounted on the MH-6's skid.
The Offroad mirror has not been fixed in the latest DEV build. They may not have implemented the fix yet, though.
Grenades are heavy little things. I wouldn't expect them to bounce at all, and rolling would require they be tossed underhand or thrown at a certain angle with relation to whatever surface they're aimed at.
The fact that they made new optics for the SMG's disturbs me. It's a sign that the setup for weapons, optics, and zeroing isn't very well structured and BIS/mod-makers have to put in extra time and effort to make this stuff work. In other words, what disparities exist between weapons or how optics zero that requires an optic to be copied and configured so that the bullet impact matches the optic zero? I'm sure there's more to it than this, but I can only comment on what I see.
I'd say this ticket is still a relevant issue.
Confirmed. Still an issue in DEV build 0.71.107070.
It is possible to have an 8 round mag in the well plus one round in the chamber for a total of 9 rounds. Having a 9 round mag is a sort of work-around, I think.