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User Since
Mar 5 2014, 5:20 AM (573 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 25 2016

uz-spark added a comment to T118705: Loot Still Not Right - Loot Explosion.

I havent seen UMP mags on 0.60, and seen just one UMP itself.

Jun 25 2016, 5:14 PM · DayZ

Jun 22 2016

uz-spark created T118552: 0.60 Jamming with pristine gun, magazine and ammo.
Jun 22 2016, 7:51 PM · DayZ

Jun 20 2016

uz-spark added a comment to T117274: Car Changing Gear Sound .

+1, was wondering what's that clicking sound around me, and then truck appeared from direction of that sound.

Jun 20 2016, 9:02 PM · DayZ
uz-spark updated the task description for T118348: 0.60 When painting weapon all attachments AND ammo disappear.
Jun 20 2016, 5:48 PM · DayZ
uz-spark renamed T118348: 0.60 When painting weapon all attachments AND ammo disappear from When painting weapon all attachments AND ammo disappear to 0.60 When painting weapon all attachments AND ammo disappear.
Jun 20 2016, 5:46 PM · DayZ
uz-spark created T118348: 0.60 When painting weapon all attachments AND ammo disappear.
Jun 20 2016, 5:46 PM · DayZ
uz-spark updated the task description for T118342: 0.60 Inventory items disappearing \ turning unpickable.
Jun 20 2016, 3:08 PM · DayZ
uz-spark created T118342: 0.60 Inventory items disappearing \ turning unpickable.
Jun 20 2016, 2:26 PM · DayZ

Jun 11 2016

uz-spark added a comment to T117345: random deaths.

Got 2 deaths in 2 days on 0.60 experimental. Didn't heard any shots or footsteps. First time i was in the city, looting some car and poof, just went dead, so MAYBE it's just some ninja stabbed me. But second time i died in a plain, after being hit 5-6 times in ~2 seconds, but i didn't heard anything, no shooting nor bullet flybys neither bullets hitting me or ground. Just shaking screen and white flashes animation several times.

Jun 11 2016, 12:14 PM · DayZ

May 11 2016

uz-spark set Category to category:balancing on T114228: Hypothermia is bugged.
May 11 2016, 7:23 AM · DayZ
uz-spark set Category to category:items on T114226: White Medical Scrubs named Green.
May 11 2016, 7:23 AM · DayZ
uz-spark added a comment to T114086: Items in inventory vicinity are visible and can be interacted with regardless of which floor you're on..

Cannot fully confirm, but yes, some items can be accessed when standing right above them, for example when item spawned on top of locker\stellage, as well as items can be accessed from behind walls. But it's how most items spawn now. Between floor\wall and static props, under the floor, inside another items, etc. If there will be some visibility\reachability check to take item - most of them would be unreachable. It's definitely wrong how it works now, but first item spawns must be corrected.

May 11 2016, 7:18 AM · DayZ
uz-spark added a comment to T114084: Throwing while crouched causes player to stand up and throw twice.

It's pretty old bug,,,,,,, And it seems that it's already been fixed several times before.

Items that causes it - pretty all double-handed melee weapons, Fire and Splitting axes, Farming Hoe, Field Shovel, e.t.c. If it's so important i'll test throughly and report later a full list.

May 11 2016, 7:18 AM · DayZ
uz-spark added a comment to T114074: First Aid Kit can hold every item.

I don't see problem here, it's just a red coloured zipbag with white cross on it. Why it shouldn't allowed to stuff anything that fits inside in it ? Particularly that Medkit is only non-military persistent container :3

May 11 2016, 7:18 AM · DayZ
uz-spark added a comment to T114059: Cannot connect to some servers.

Yep, nothing changed. I can for example connect to TX 2-18 but cannot connect to TX 2-7, but they seem to be in one subnet, same goes for DAL 4-076 and DAL 4-087.

May 11 2016, 7:17 AM · DayZ
uz-spark set Category to category:server on T114059: Cannot connect to some servers.
May 11 2016, 7:17 AM · DayZ
uz-spark set Category to category:inventory on T114058: Frying pad, Cooking pot and Medkit infinite stacking.
May 11 2016, 7:17 AM · DayZ
uz-spark set Category to category:server on T114057: Admin kicks everyone.
May 11 2016, 7:17 AM · DayZ
uz-spark added a comment to T113809: Game Crash While Driving Causes Death.

+1, my mate was killed yesterday when he went disconnected from server inside car i was driving. No body on the ground or inside the car, he just started on the beach when reconnected.

May 11 2016, 7:09 AM · DayZ
uz-spark added a comment to T111459: Throw item, makes you fall over and glitch through objects.

Related tickets : 0025738, 0025421

And i confirm that bug, it's still there.

After throwing some melee weapons (Fire axe, Splitting axe, Miner spade, Farming hoe, ...) character drops down, then stands up, throws again nothing and drops down again just like unconscious. It can be rewoked from this state only by relog or vaulting. That seems pretty weird.

May 11 2016, 5:53 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

uz-spark added a comment to T95398: 5+ Containers causing Server Interaction response failure.

Yep, it's looks like bandwith usage of the game grows enormously with the amount of containers on the players in vicinity, and players get desync when their connection get's bottlenecked.

May 10 2016, 8:29 PM · DayZ
uz-spark added a comment to T95294: High amount of network usage, dependant on number of people in network bubble..

Same here, just cannot play with my 256 kbps connection. When my 2 friends with decent amount of loot get near me, my internet connections start to struggle and i don't recieve any updates of the environment. But when i bumped into several empty newbies like me on the coast - all been fine.

It's game breaking, i've not lagging while playing some massively MMO like EVE, but when i get 2 people around me in DayZ i've get constant desync.

May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ