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- User Since
- Jan 23 2015, 10:39 PM (531 w, 21 m)
Jul 5 2017
All possible solutions that i could find have been tested and didn't work.
Jul 2 2017
Also have the stuttering fps error and is annoying as hell
Sep 27 2016
This is an annoying GameBreaking BUG ( became worse since 1.64 update ) and needs to be fixed ASAP, i can't even count how many times i got killed since 1.64 only 'cuz of my character standing up from prone AUTOMATICALLY! i'll post a video later on
May 10 2016
ALT+F4 is a way to replicate it. way to bypass is for Sp save multiple times with inventory open for MP; press ESC 5 times with a waiting time of 3 minutes per ESC.
It does suck losing great gear
Still NOT resolved! Even after creating a new profile and even trying to input it via the arma 3 profile the key Adjust isn't working,
@ Koala; The Problem occured after the DLC marksman not before
only way 4 me to use the adjust stance now is D-pad and that screws up the gaming now ( only because i used d-pad for other stuff.)
you can install your Mods via the launcher, or put the mods in seperate file and link it via the launcher. under parameters check the box Mods than insert the map where the mods are in, than go 2 MODS and check the 1s you want, per profile you can save different mods
áfter the 1.40 update the Adjust key for adjusting your stances has been deleted from the Control configures, You can reset the keys via your arma profile line 15 just copy and paste the numbers from your keys that you want to bind.
when Not certain what the code for your keys are bind them to an unused key setting or temporary bind them to the NVG than copy & paste. worked 4 me
to bad that a an admin/moderator i need to explain to players that it's NOT the server but the game and in SP they have no problems. what an explaination come on Bohemia fix it ASAP
a war game that is in 2035 and some choppers have radar , I would even give my army Radars on all Armed choppers wether its a civilian radar or military. BIS jus give the armed choppers there radar back or give the armed orca a decent gatlin gun like 7,62) and not a peeshooting 6.5mm
this idea is taking to long to be implemented Bohemia needs to read this.
It would help a lot and some players might even die less + it takes the clutterish usage of the scroll menu
May 9 2016
the Z-axis still doesn't work and it did work 1 day ago.
FIX this terrible problem Bohemia