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- User Since
- Jun 13 2015, 12:39 AM (507 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
the video is some kind of cs:go ak47 spread controle stuff but the rocket launcher should be intelligent enough to fire straight forward just take a look the weapon shoots offset to the right the sight abjusts that for you automaticly now think about the techlologie in the big and more expensive rocket launcher so lex is right and the rockets whould lock because the rockets fit and uses the same targeting tech as the HE one
+1 its pretty annyoing would love to see a fix
the video is some kind of cs:go ak47 spread controle stuff but the rocket launcher should be intelligent enough to fire straight forward just take a look the weapon shoots offset to the right the sight abjusts that for you automaticly now think about the techlologie in the big and more expensive rocket launcher so lex is right and the rockets whould lock because the rockets fit and uses the same targeting tech as the HE one
+1 its pretty annyoing would love to see a fix
+1 its pretty annyoing would love to see a fix
the video is some kind of cs:go ak47 spread controle stuff but the rocket launcher should be intelligent enough to fire straight forward just take a look the weapon shoots offset to the right the sight abjusts that for you automaticly now think about the techlologie in the big and more expensive rocket launcher so lex is right and the rockets whould lock because the rockets fit and uses the same targeting tech as the HE one
+1 its pretty annyoing would love to see a fix
youre not helping shields the problem is still there i read the report its just similar the funny fact is you downvoted my post but upvoted the other ? nevermind i just would like to see a fix in the feature thats all
would be nice if they increase the zoom lvl or just change the description just uploaded a new picture hope you change your mind about this problem
the problem is the destription says 10-85x and 85x is for long ranges and me and some friends just cant use the scope like it should lets say i play against another sniper and this scope of the other sniper works like it should he can almost see in my eyes and i can only see him because of his shape even with the LRPS with 25x zoom
still not fixed .. i use the darter drone alot to get a overviewe of the battle zone and or my hostage if anyone have a fix pls tell me :(
got the same problem with the poor little uav thats sad because i actually love this little friend it seams the ground high makes this little uav ai crazy
it works against for player pretty well as long they are pretty near (grass render range) nothing agaisnt the AI but the camo lvl should be more when wearing the right gilli on the right ground right now its a pretty overkill
same problem thats pretty hard i would like to see something universal like you can use every terminal and uav the first one it picks up its going to be the fraction of the person it first connected/picked up or like the uav backpacks the first one it placed its for the fraction it placed if you know what i mean and if you pick up a enemys uav terminal it automaticly sitches the fraction of the connected uav's its more realistic like you kill a bad guys and got his radio you can actually spy his radio chat of his mates
+1 lost my amphibious tank on multiplayer wasteland (that damn thing was expensive XD)
ya thats right dr_death xD and to DarkSideSixOfficial note on 2013!! i think we was patient enough and nothing happened!
so true and sad that it suportet on 2013 i mean this is really like a semi full gilli its pointless that its just on the back +1 for 2015 guys xD
May 9 2016
oh yes please soldiers can climb but not in arma3 ? actually sad because we have to add it as a mod like ace3 does that whould be in vanilla