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- User Since
- Mar 23 2014, 4:26 AM (572 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Sounds perfect!
great tx for the feedback ill do some more research!
thanks for the info.
Its kinda an option which would be great in vanilla which doesnt require much modding since its way easier to populate servers unmodified!
I saw scripts which did that in A2 before those didnt require mods and did exactly this.
Anyway i would say if its not total 100% realistic it kinda would make sense to have the option which makes gameplay a bit more stalthier!
So basically better theres the option to engine off and turret cant be moved than the other way around.
But i didnt know that tanks need the engine running to move it.
+1 no acre or tfr required which thegame is capable least balance the volume between sound and direct volume so direct can be heard better!
It gets worse over a certain distance like 200-300meters especially when the other player walks up stairs f.e. in military towers they glitch oustside and can be seen even if they are walking inside and so can be spotted or not attacked because their position is totally different than the gmae shows.
:P or hatch? xD i guess
it would be easy when they balance the volume between direct channel and the sound effects but it seems no priority at allI dont get it the game is capable of so much with i guess easy fixes.
I saw as i mentioned some Altis life mission which was havin this feature and it didnt affect the gameplay in anegative givs DayZ and basically every night mission a very important polish
i was playing some altis life mission where the screen kind of was not gettin brighter when gamma was turned up it just turned kind of blue in the night and it had a bad effect on the visibility of things.
May 9 2016
Bayonett aswell as melee options would be good.