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- Mar 10 2013, 10:26 PM (629 w, 1 d)
Dec 16 2018
Dec 15 2018
Nov 26 2018
I know I am digging up old bones here but this would be an AWESOME feature to the game and would be something that was advertised in the beginning as possible with Arma 3.
Dec 12 2017
Yes I do and have done that quite a bit @Gnashes but what I am talking about is the ability from the editor to be able to type in a text or quantity within a text field like we do with the init for the players for the amounts of items we want inside the crates as well as an option to Import/Export like we do for creating loadouts for players as well.
Nov 17 2017
Jul 10 2017
Will do after I get off work later today.
Would it help if I submitted a video of a couple of missions with this showing so you can see what I and others are seeing in missions we are running?
Jul 6 2017
@razazel Has anything been done in regards to finding and fixing this issue?
Mar 29 2017
@razazel any headway on this issue; Just checking in and I know you guys are slammed to the hilt with some things that were broken.
Mar 22 2017
Disregard this comment. It is not relevant to the issue that is happening with setunitloadout.
Mar 21 2017
I can it will be a while before I can put one up here for you guys to check.
Mar 20 2017
Feb 21 2017
Download link for mission has been corrected.
Yes I attempted all previous versions and nothing changed until I moved over to the 64bit Release Candidate version. I am working with that version until the final release is done. I also updated to the last version you mentioned without success as well.
Feb 17 2017
OK went through all steps above and the only fix was to move completely over to X64 in the RC branch. Unfortunately this still crashes but only after 30-60 minutes of game time. However now my mission file got corrupted when I moved over to the RC version. Still looking for reasons why that happened but working on it makes me feel better right now. :D
Has anyone from BI looked into this further? The inability to export a crate to a notepad file in the same way that you can export a character loadout is extremely disappointing. I do not know if this is a difficult aspect of the game but it would be something that would make mission creation and loadouts for crate significantly better overall. As would the aspect of being able to assign a numerical value to the items you want to assign to the crate in the editor instead of just clicking the plus or minus sign over and over to get the number of items you want in the crate.
Feb 15 2017
@DanielINL I have noticed that on some other terrains with different weapons in the past but it was always something that needed CUP Terrains or AllinArma to make the terrain worked. I haven't noticed this on Tanoa but I rarely if ever use the vanilla sniper weapons platforms.
Will do; this problem is cropping up on our dedicated server so I was wondering if we should attempt a trial with the 64 bit server and see if that is a possible solution as well?
Feb 14 2017
Have you turned up your view distance?
Jan 5 2017
We are having the same thing happening on our server and it is affecting an entire mission. It does not happen to all players at the same time and when the server has the problem it sometimes only effects the player who is in the admin/Zeus role and not the rest of the server. This all started AFTER the 1.66 update.
Sure would be a nice addition and a reason to utilize the base Taru helicopter for more than a decoy in missions.
May 10 2016
Muzzle velocity is the same across the board for tracer and non-tracer type ammunition of the same caliber; unless loaded for sub-sonic performance. However the magazine itself does not change the penetration ability of the round that is being fired by the weapon. The magazine is only a way to carry the ammunition and allow it to be fired by the weapon. The weapon is also directly tied to the penetration of the projectile but it is also effected by amount of propellant, weight of the projectile and shape.