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- User Since
- Feb 19 2014, 1:06 PM (578 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
No problem :')
The exact version is 0.43.116251
I misread that actually... well, here's my stuff^^
Hi, well I don't have a .rar file, however i'll upload the 3 files I have here. And if it happens again, i'll let you guys know :) I'll just add another note here.
Go to where the DayZ folder is, for me, Documents\DayZ and in there find the file that is:
- your name.DayZProfile (For example: Dave.DayZProfile)
(Open the one that is NOT the 'vars' file)
- Open with notpad
- Scroll all the way to the bottom
- Look for 'shadowZDistance', it will be around 150-300 probably. I think it's in metres, so if you increase it, the fps will drop.
You may have to set your shadow distance to a higher value, if I am not wrong.
That's actually a stupidly good idea! Would really help with broken legs from rocks -_-'
hmmmmm... possibly. However I was looted instantly upon death. But thanks for letting me know that :)
They're just rare as hell! I've been in your position, same thing with silencers.
I've had this, fairly often.
Exactly what I posted about haha
Exactly, sucks when you're totally geared too haha :)
Confirmed GTX 660ti, also with mosin.