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- Mar 12 2013, 3:00 AM (627 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Issue still persisting in latest dev builds.
Confirm. This is a major immersion breaker. Its one thing to see a building's outline and have details slowly emerge from the fog as you walk towards it. Another to have it jarringly pop in from nothing.
Additional to last note: It does NOT happen when the same is done with one assault boat with player as passenger. This would point to something to do with land pathfinding.
I have also noticed substantial hitching/stuttering (though its more of a slowdown and speedup in framerate which runs on a regular cycle) in latest dev build even if you just place a civilian offroad on a road with yourself as a passenger, then put a move waypoint with 'careless' and 'fast' there has been a substantial degredation in performance between initial alpha release and latest build.
Upvoted. BUT. This is the infantry part of the alpha release. I think they have stated somewhere that the vehicle models still have weight yet to be added etc. The only vehicles that are in there are there just to make the infantry showcase a bit more interesting. So expect more changes for BETA I would say.
Update : Appears SOME concrete walls show bullet impacts. Most like white walled buildings on Stratis Airfield do not show them.
May 9 2016
Agreed with OP. This issue has been annoying the hell out of mission makers for years in this series. If you want to save there's an option there but this just chews up time if you have to jump in/out of a mission in the editor.
Not a bad idea. The editor has sorely been in need of this for a long time. However I suspect this kind of feature request might be a way down the list of priorities. Upvoted though.
Definitely a far more elegant and open/accessible method of config for attachments. UPVOTED!
Yeah particularly because if you're using a scope or just zooming in the transition between LODs can happen while you zoom, which makes it REALLY jarring to look at.
They definitely need to also work on matching the LOD textures better. Some are different colours to others. Particularly trees/bushes.
They don't blend in with the LODs from other distances. I was thinking of putting up a feedback issue about this. They need to be darker and more subdued with more hints of shadow in them. Right now they look too blotchy and uniform in colour.
I would bet most of those tags were mostly added by the multitude of bigots you see above.
Seriously though, there's a thread for this.
Continue discussion there. This is bug tracker notes.
Not that anyone is seriously reading this by now but.
The only reason to argue against this is sexism. No matter how you couch it in terms of development costs or whatever, women ARE on the frontlines. Right now. There is no reason to suppose they won't be in 2035. IF it costs too much let the developers come out and say so themselves. Don't go putting your sexist crap in under the pretense of looking out for BIS.