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User Since
Feb 4 2014, 4:11 PM (580 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

quantum2k6 added a comment to T96120: MKII Amphibious S is not suppressed for zed aggro.


May 10 2016, 8:53 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T95786: Players can become invisible.

confirmed, happens my group alot of times.

its random...

May 10 2016, 8:42 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T95752: Apparent heart attack on Firestation ladder..

sound like the hauntet firehouse...

May 10 2016, 8:41 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T95532: Fnx Mag is it in the loot list?.

on top of the firehousebuildings... hundrets of it...

May 10 2016, 8:34 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T95457: M4 weapon mods flicker....

Confirmed bug in Stable and Exp. - GTX 760 @ Geforce 334.89

May 10 2016, 8:32 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T95440: Possible cheater.

its not a connection problem u can force it.

just look my video

May 10 2016, 8:31 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T95161: Idea: Servers use real-world wx reports.

ok go and spam more suggestions and more cool 1337 ideas... and make this great tool for REPORTING ISSUES useless...

whats the next good suggestion? maybe "reports" of "the ultimate how to prevent KOS"?!

damn u are right... i agree... we still cant fart, pee, poo or fuck... damn everyone should open a report and suggest this great ideas direct to the admins.... because they dont read the OFFICIAL FORUM... for sure...

good night ;)

Edit: we need vehicles... dont forgett to open at least 3 reports to show how important this very very new and cool idea is!

May 10 2016, 8:21 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T95161: Idea: Servers use real-world wx reports.

Bug reporting:

Suggestion Forum:

All suggestion tickets here should be closed and the accounts shoould be deletet ... but i bet u still dont get it huh?

ohh and my english is fine... at least its good enough for you...

May 10 2016, 8:21 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T95161: Idea: Servers use real-world wx reports.

Play 1: location russland - cludy weather 15°
Player2: location America - Sunny weather 30°

how should both play on the same server?

close this ticket this is not a sugesstion forum....

May 10 2016, 8:21 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T95049: Forum down - SQL error.

looks like someone find a way to kill the database....

let us ALL hope they have regular backups ...

May 10 2016, 8:17 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94996: Player with desyncs can hit other player copies = damage!.

confirmed happend me two times now...

May 10 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94902: Rain, thunder and fog not synced for all players.


May 10 2016, 8:12 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94647: Jiggeling - Waggeling - Firehouse clash - NWAF.

plz try zoom in accolyte

4 of my clamates can cleary see the corners and edges jumping and conirmed it.

i died now 7 times on that roof because my other reportet "towertopdeadbug" is still present. its everytime a damn journey of 1 hour to get there from coast...

i try to make a vid... damn

May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94647: Jiggeling - Waggeling - Firehouse clash - NWAF.

here we go... i have more, but u can see it perfect in this videos:

dxdiag is uploadet too!

ohh and good news im alive atm on that roof, i try to capture the random roofdead too now. plz have a look on my other ticket accolyte the bug is back... i died 7 times now.

May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94647: Jiggeling - Waggeling - Firehouse clash - NWAF.

STable Branch: 115106

sometimes the firehouse stand still but the sun starts to jiggel around then...thats new! someone check it plz out.

the firehouse AND the Sun waggeling if u are on top of the firehousetower.

May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 edited Steps To Reproduce on T94647: Jiggeling - Waggeling - Firehouse clash - NWAF.
May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

here it is... the legendary rooftop dead... on current stable version.

its the same as Decembrie reportet(0045784) this little antenne killed me...

my friend found my body under the ladder seconds after i was dead.

no item was damaged just my pants was ruined.

ping was 27ms no desync.

are u still on this bug accolyte?

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF. simmilar

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

good explanation decembrie, i confirme your experiences 100%.

it happend to me too if u are in center or under the sirene. i agree its not alone the tripod antenna.

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

hi accolyte,

i died now 7 times from it, somtimes its after 5 minutes and sometimes its after 1 hour of laying there. i spendet up to 12 hours to find a trigger for that dead bug i dunno whats to do now.

im playing atm the latest stable version. just lay down on top and look arround with camera zoom in and out. i thought its the metal construction (antenna) on the top that forrces the dead but sometimes its too if i lay unter the big siren.

i do nothhing special there, happens with freshspawns and full geared players also. maybe its when other players get in your area or something... im really clueless.

sry :) im a bit pissed on that bug atm because i have to run everytime an hour to get back on that roof after spawning on coast...

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.
  • lay down on the rooftop complete prone
  • press ALT 2 times to lock the body on the floor
  • look arround with 3p camera zoom in with right mouse

i died 3 times

  • after the last dead my mate found my dead body on the ground in front of the building. but i locked my char everytime with double alt so i wasnt moving.
  1. dead

ballistic helmet
tac vest camo
hunting bag - empty

2 + 3 dead was as a freshspawn, i headed and run directly to nwa to repoduce the bug 2 times...

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

nope sir i was alone on server, i checked it double all the 3 times with "P"

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

with the new stable version i cant repoduce this dead. (tryed it now 40 minutes on the top of the tower) - PROBLEM FIXED in 114926

But i found a new bug, looks like u changed someting, the whole firehouse on NWAF is jiggeling up and down if u look with min. FOV on top of the tower.

it goes 2-3 cm up and down (very fast), it takes a while untill it starts look carefully. its not the breathing its a real micro eartquake the tower jiggels up and down

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

u notice the jiggeling too? confirmed?

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

@ Accolyte, right i cant reproduce the dead again with the new stable version. looks like its fixed.


tower jiggeling:

ok then its not my system or new grapic card, maybe a dev should look on it.

on my sys its jiggels very fast. should i open a new ticket?

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

last night my comrade and me die again on that firehousetower....

we just layed there fixed our bodys with double alt.

this dead is so damnit random...

plz have again a look accolyte :(

ohh only my clanmates was on the server so noone killed us.

looks like this firehouses are hauntet...

we where both teleportet over the edge and fall to death, our clanmates found our bodys in front of that building...

we had no desync or lag. we campt there waiting for our friend. talked about working etc... and Bäm first i was dead, 15 minutes later my comrade too... he wasnt moving or anything.

we are 200% sure theres a bug!

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
quantum2k6 edited Steps To Reproduce on T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.
May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ