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Oct 24 2014, 7:17 PM (543 w, 1 d)

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May 11 2016

peglegpete added a comment to T113644: Persistence Bugged.

emuthreat has the right idea of it.

a. tents, barrels last 45 days.
b. guns, backpacks, protector cases last 3 days.
c. everything else is 30 minutes.

if there is evidence the above rules are not working, then it's a bug. now it could be either with that specific server, or with the game systems in general.

i don't get why anyone is upset about hiding a barrel in tree foliage. that is the most obvious thing to do.

May 11 2016, 7:04 AM · DayZ
peglegpete set Category to category:sound on T106393: Gunshot sound fix may not have not have worked - reports of silent muzzle blasts.
May 11 2016, 2:57 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T106391: Reports of gunshot sound bug is still present but is a "sometimes happens" case.

Here's a new /r/dayz thread that is asking people to test the bug scientifically and report data to help the developers.

May 11 2016, 2:57 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T105836: LOST MY CHARACTER AFTER SERVER CRASH.

There are 2 ways I know of that this can happen:

  1. You were driving when the server crashed, which can sometimes kill your character. Unpreventable at the moment as far as I know, short of not driving.
  1. You joined a new server too quickly after the crash. Whenever a server crashes, wait 1-2 minutes before joining a new server, else you risk losing your character. IT is due to the crashed server not being able to update the central hive, so the hive doesn't know what's up with the character and spawns you a new one. If you wait a bit, the hive is updated and everything is good to go.
May 11 2016, 2:36 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T105820: When scoping with mosin the scope shake is incredibly rapid and constant.

Yeah it needs some tweaks in terms of relaying the status to the user, and I agree it should be variable depending on how cold you are. You should also be able to right-click zoom to reduce the shaking, since you could do that in real life to some degree.

Either way I'm glad we found a solution to fix it! Staying warm is more important than ever.

May 11 2016, 2:36 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T105820: When scoping with mosin the scope shake is incredibly rapid and constant.

Jun have you tried a fire anyway?

May 11 2016, 2:36 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T105820: When scoping with mosin the scope shake is incredibly rapid and constant.

I've had this issue too.

I don't think it's from being cold, as I once was bright green engerized, hydrated, and healthy, with no other status effects (cold or otherwise). I could be wrong, but need to do more testing.

Made a /r/dayz subreddit post on it:

Anyone else have more information on this issue? Can dayz team comment on the issue?

May 11 2016, 2:36 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T105820: When scoping with mosin the scope shake is incredibly rapid and constant.

Replies to my post on the subreddit have confirmed Necr0's suggestion.

If your gun is shaking, just a build a fire and warm up.

However, IMO there is still a bug here.

BUG --> You can have this shaking effect without any status message that you are cold.

Seems to me a player should be given a hint as to why they are shaking, and being cold/freezing is the one to do it. Just like when you are sick, the game informs you that you are sick.

May 11 2016, 2:36 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T105782: Hacking is out of control and ruins the experience.

Recommend you try first person servers and stay off the coasts. I rarely ever see hackers because of this.

May 11 2016, 2:34 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T105685: Too much head shake while eating from 1stPP.

Can make you nauseous IRL if you have to a lot back-to-back.

Agree the view movement is bit aggressive, should be toned down.

May 11 2016, 2:30 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T104654: Red message on screen saying 'no message recieved for X amount of seconds..

Pretty sure the servers you are joining are crashing. It happens quite often in experimnental on full or nearly full servers. And if one crashes and you hop into another along with everyone that was in the last one you were in, it will overload that new server and crash it within 5-10 minutes. It's a nasty cycle.

May 11 2016, 1:49 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T104652: [PRIMARY REPORT] Some gunshots are not heard by other players.

My friend prefers shooting zombies over melee. We play about 20 hours a week together so I hear a lot of shots.

Hee can be 5 feet away, or 300 feet away -- it makes no difference, I only hear about 1/3 of his shots. No gunshot, no bullet impact. Nothing.

I don't know why. I haven't spotted any pattern to it. He's used all kinds of guns, none are any better or worse at properly making sound.

It is terrifying that someone could be shooting at you from 5 feet away, yet you wouldn't hear anything at all.

EDIT: If I had to guess, I would say the pattern is that it's my friend -- or rather that it's someone I've been near for a while. Something about playing with the same person for a while, being near each other, makes it so you can't hear their gunshots. A theory, at least. I don't recall ever running up to a unknown player who shot at me and I didn't hear their shots.

May 11 2016, 1:49 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T104652: [PRIMARY REPORT] Some gunshots are not heard by other players.

I can confirm the attachment workaround worked for me too. Nice work, Tit4nNL.

I politely and strongly recommend a fix for this bug be escalated in priority.

Most DayZ bugs are inconveniences, cause server crashes, or mostly harmless. This bug is very harmful. Not hearing gunshots in a gunfight is like being castrated. I can't think of any bug that is more important to fix at the moment. It's very common to not hear shots, I'd estimate the bug affects about half the people you encounter, though it could be more since the nature of the bug means you may not even know when it is occurring (you can't identify the absence of something). Particularly if you are being sniped!

Andy, please share any info you are able to regarding how deep of a problem it is (simple fix? or needs entire rebuild of sound engine?). Any info regarding timing is also appreciated, though I definitely understand there can be unforeseen delays & complications.

May 11 2016, 1:49 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T103747: when a server crashes and you login to fast after it comes up or after a no response message your inventory is wiped.

Lost a character yesterday due to this bug. Was on 0.49.

I rejoined too quickly, clearly.

May 11 2016, 1:17 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T102588: freeze on joining friends game via steam overlay.

I don't recall whether the overlay also freezes. I believe once you close the overlay and the game loads up, you will not be able to relaunch the overlay, specifically due to how the bug is evoked. See below.

To be more specific: The game stops responding to input once you enter the server and finishes loading. It doesn't freeze, as it would from a crash/lockup.

So you can still hear sounds, see trees swaying, and zombies can come up and attack you -- all the while you can do nothing to react.

You eventually have to ALT+F4 or CTRL+ALT+DEL to get out -- AKA Windows is still responding to input, but the DayZ game does not respond to it.

May 11 2016, 12:34 AM · DayZ
peglegpete added a comment to T102588: freeze on joining friends game via steam overlay.

My friends and I have this issue too.

So you can join friends from steams either:

  • from outside the game (game isn't running, use steam friends list) or
  • while in game, while using the shift+tab overlay.

Seems to happen more often if you join from outside the game. But either way, it's about 25% of the time I try to join via steam friends list, regardless of which way, you will end up being unable to move around.

This bug can be a big issue if a zombie or player is near you when you login, as you can see/hear everything, but cannot supply input to move/look/shoot at all. It's like a coma with your eyes open haha.

Only way to fix is to exit the game ALT+F4 or task manager, at least in my experience.

May 11 2016, 12:34 AM · DayZ