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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 2:39 AM (626 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
monkeywithagun added a comment to T63184: Customizable Crates in Editor.
Sounds easier than scripting in crates which sometimes cause lag.
monkeywithagun added a comment to T63034: AI walk into line of fire all the time.
Had this happen 4 times today
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
monkeywithagun added a comment to T61925: [Suggestion] Touch Off Explosive should be tied to an item..
@JoeOBrien I agree 100%
monkeywithagun edited Steps To Reproduce on T61925: [Suggestion] Touch Off Explosive should be tied to an item..
monkeywithagun added a comment to T61005: [Suggestion] Ability to repack mags.
I would love this feature to be in game.
monkeywithagun edited Steps To Reproduce on T60916: Weapons take on the standard weapons visuals for each faction..
monkeywithagun added a comment to T60902: Alt+Tab makes you run backwards.
Have recreated by alt+tabing
if I type something it stops
monkeywithagun edited Steps To Reproduce on T60902: Alt+Tab makes you run backwards.
monkeywithagun added a comment to T60695: AI glitch in the ground.
Have had this happen. Also have had AI glitch through buildings.
monkeywithagun added a comment to T60167: Many complaints about recoil... Solution: Weapon bi-pods/ weapon resting.
I agree bi pods and resting are good, but the recoil needs to be tweaked slightly.