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- Jul 20 2013, 10:22 PM (607 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Regardless, the man DEFINITELY has a point. The sky, especially in areas as remote and unpolluted as Greek islands, is much more interesting than it manages in Arma. You people need to stop using photographs as references. How about people speak from experience living in rural areas? Islands? Photography can skew the contrasts and apparent brightnesses of literally everything.
The fact that this is being downvoted blows my mind. Sure his picture source is skewed, but he's not wrong. BI have bigger fish to fry, but they might as well add this to their list of things to do. On dark nights, the majority of what you will be able to take from your situation is the sky. A more interesting and realistic night sky would be incredibly and amazingly immersive.
Yeah, it's a feature request, I see that. I don't see it being of any remote priority for the devs, and I would not like to see it enabled if it were halfassed in any way.
Anyone who downvotes this is actually someone who understands it's entirely up to the server for as to whether or not the player is even allowed to use third person in the first place.
Don't try to falsely guilt people into supporting you with your silly assumptions.
Isn't such a thing already functional, alongside fastroping, in Take on Helicopters? I'd love to see it brought to Arma 3 along with the other few ToH features.
Cool? Yes.
Want it? Yes.
Practical? Assymetrical Warfare is interesting. Yes.
Relevant to Arma 3 campaign? We have no clue whatsoever. Don't make assumptions.
These are very likely coming in the full game. If I'm not mistaken there is already a faction name set out for them in the game files (the "other" green faction)
If we truly want to give some kind of ground unit this radar, it should be specialized recon AFVs. BRM-1 is a good example of a (albeit cold war era) radar-based tracking system, and even then it should be VERY limited due to ground clutter. Everything else on the ground should not be capable of using a radar to spot ground targets. AA AFVs should have radar capable of tracking air targets, but that's it.
There's no reason for any AFV crew to be capable, at one single glance, of scanning an entire valley for targets and magically having a precise understanding of where they all are.
Duplicate of
Haha it's a tiny detail nonetheless, but that's what we're here for. To comb the game.
It's a discrepancy in the length, not the width, GeneralScott. A++ reading skills :)
Shouldn't barrel length affect muzzle velocity, and thus penetration?
I see that the gunner should get FLIR. It's a gunship of the year 2035, the pod for it is allegedly there (wouldn't know what it looks like myself), and the time period supports it perfectly. What most of us are talking about is a PIP screen for the pilot. Two things:
A. I would like sources on those of you saying that there is a screen to stream a guncam to the pilot in either the Mi-24PN or Mi-28N.
B. Who is to say that the fictional designers of this fictional vehicle included any such screen in their fictional cockpit?
God forbid the game have some level of asymmetry.
How about asymmetry on the level of "hey Mike, you want to take that AH-99? It has that p cool camera doodad. Or nah, lets take the Mi-48, we'll be working with infantry later and we need the extra firepower", not on the level of complete asymmetrical warfare.
May 9 2016
I have a feeling that this is a setup on your end, Mr feedback poster. There was nothing out of the ordinary in the video. Loudness, sounds, etc all in check on my end.