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User Details
- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 4:43 PM (615 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T75485: HiddenSelection for Kerry's uniform in Episode 2.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T73444: Killhouse wall with door?.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T71668: Ghosthawk miniguns clips through helicopter.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T71579: [Small addition to existing feature] Support module for Reinforcements such as infantry or vehicles.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T71037: Add scroll menu action as activation for triggers.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T70630: Campaign.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T70306: Unnable to switch uniforms directly from/ to backpack.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T70189: Less oxygen on higher altitude.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T70188: Ai with parachuting starts swimming in the air...
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T70187: Hidden selection for parachutes.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T69393: Can put rebreather in backpack, can't put vest in backpack.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T68338: When try to get in back of armored vehicle IN THE WATER, big list of inventory items shows up.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T68333: Charachter BUG (looong neck).
ltsThomas added a comment to T68323: ALT TAB causes game to crash..
same here, as said by b101uk. no crashes due Alt+Tab
ltsThomas added a comment to T68244: Example missions in the editor.
A complete Airfield-base made by BI would be cool as a template!
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T67859: Ai's in formation watching only 1 side.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T67724: Crossing barrel in combat mode.
ltsThomas added a comment to T67710: Message system. Tool for recon and sniper units for gathering information/intelligence.
Voted up, as sniper/ spotter teams sometimes use toughbooks to send and request intel to/ from others, often in text-chat.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T67596: unit's upper-arm looks bad.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T66069: wrecks float.
ltsThomas added a comment to T65232: You die when you eject from a moving assault boat.
doesn't really matter.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T65232: You die when you eject from a moving assault boat.
ltsThomas added a comment to T64505: [Feature request] Rock climbing / rappelling.
If you need inspiration on this, look at BF2: Special Forces. They do this quite well.
ltsThomas added a comment to T62880: Play as a rabbit > go underwater > game freeze>crash.
Thanks for your time. :-)
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T62880: Play as a rabbit > go underwater > game freeze>crash.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
ltsThomas added a comment to T61678: Transport module.
de fuq? it's a bug in the game. check your sources before commenting such thing.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T61678: Transport module.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T59531: Dive too fast at start.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T59528: Grass kills FPS.
ltsThomas added a comment to T59526: Combat pace toggle doesn't work.
Happy to inform you that it works correctly now. Thanks for the fix!!
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T59526: Combat pace toggle doesn't work.
ltsThomas edited Steps To Reproduce on T59525: [MENU] Mouse goes all the way left on 2 screen set up.