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- User Since
- Mar 8 2014, 2:19 PM (576 w, 18 h)
Jun 15 2016
I can confirm this, it just got me killed when I was expecting to be able to fire a second shot. click, click..
May 11 2016
Link to youtube video of bug.
It's a neat idea and I'll upvote it for you because I like the idea of versatility, but you will definitely be a huge moving bullseye at that point.
Tried to send a video yesterday as an .mp4 file under 5Mb and it said that I could not use that file type. What file type is acceptable for bug reporting?
I've found that this works with rags too.
The chainsaw sound also comes on when you use it to chop a tree. Sometimes it won't stop even if you turn it off, until you drop it.
Agreed, It makes your left arm look like it's about 5 feet long and broken back at a 90 degree angle on my PC.
For anyone reading this,I found another thread here that said to remove the launch parameters, which fixed this issue completely.
I can find an ak101 akm and ak74 but never any magazines in the barracks, I'm imagining it is due to server hopping mostly, but there need to be other spawn points for their mags at least because there only being 3 places in the map to find them (all taken already) is making it virtually pointless to get an ak model in the first place. And I don't mean just in police stations because that's a band-aid on a massive flesh wound of an issue. There are how many DayZ players? And how many of these mags spawn?
Not sure if this is related, but I was on an empty server and my green fire axe disappeared out of my hand and sawed off mosin disappeared out of my inventory, possibly a few other small items as well. If it was hacking, someone found a way to hide their character from the servers ping/character list. I have no video, unfortunately, but will keep shadow play on in the future to catch if it happens again. I was not able to find either of these items on the ground after they vanished.
I think I may have had the same issue, where my character lagged back to the same spot a few times then started running in circles and I couldn't really move him on my own. Is this what you were talking about?
May 10 2016
Yes they are spawning right back and tracking you instantly after you kill one, going prone just gets you in more trouble. I can't even get a bandage on and I used about 75 rounds in 10 minutes. Fractured leg and bleeding I logged out until this is fixed and can get a friend to help me in the area I was in.
I can confirm this and I've noticed often if its a shirt, shoes, pants etc. item with it's own slot, you often must first remove your corresponding item to get the option of picking it up.
Sorry version 35.115188 I put the build number from steam previously
Sorry version 35.115188 I put the build number from steam previously
I would like to reiterate my belief I have stated other forums there needs to eventually be certain log-in spawn points for current (equipped) characters in a designated SZ with no chance of spawn killing or firing from spawn. [I.E. - you log out and in, in elektro, and you spawn in an elektro spawn SZ (maybe 2 or 3 of them in each zone/area to reduce spawn kill on leaving sz or easily escapable areas with no sniper towers near [infinite possibilities][possible timer that prevents attacking/being attacked for an interval after login? {timer + set spawn point = you show up in certain areas and have time to book it out of there without getting spawn killed exiting sz. at this point it may even eliminate the need for a SZ.}]). Log out and in near Black Mountain = a Black Mountain SZ] this would be a big project to handle sure, but it will eliminate the problems of server hopping behind enemies and spawn killing on logins with gear.(which people seem to do REALLY often for such low population and vast landscape [cheats?]) [EDIT: also clears up the problem of server hopping directly to buildings with fresh high-value spawns, and will "force" you to expose yourself from a randomized, yet specific, set of places eventually, if you plan on farming that coupled M4A1 magazine you can't live without!]
EDIT: Also eliminates random spawning into somewhere 10km away from where you logged out!
As for logging out to avoid combat, there's no way of telling currently (and fairly) whether they are actually logging to avoid combat or if they were just logging (or even planning on it before you showed up with your mighty axe!.) If there were some sort of "punishment" involved, people coincidentally logging when someone else was in the area would end up receiving that same punishment whether or not they had seen your character. As for exiting the game being imposed with a timer, players would have to retain control of their character for said time (or it's completely unfair to everyone logging [imagine someone stalking you waiting for you to log out so they can get an easy kill and all your gear + time lag advantage they would have from you cancelling a "restrained" logout. Restrained timed logouts even if they could be cancelled would always create an unnecessary risk of ever logging off any server!]), and quick logging in the event of an emergency or angry wife(which does happen) irl would not be possible(unless say a set number of quick logs per day were implemented before well... you're screwed by the timer.)