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- Jul 1 2015, 10:14 PM (507 w, 3 d)
Apr 21 2017
You know the more I'm messing with this the more I'm convinced it has something to do with Nvidia drivers on Optimus tech or the way the game is interacting with them. I'm playing on Nvidia Optimus idk if you remember our dialog about the 64 bit client not switching to nvivida display from Intel HD by default from like 2 weeks ago but that was me that helped with that. Anyway the reason I'm leaning this way is becuase during trying to fix this shadow play issue I've watched so many videos about how to alt tab out and back in and that will make shadow play start working properly again but all that does for me is make my gamma slider work I still can't record it don't matter if I'm in window mode with desktop still showing borderless window it is still dark. I've done it all and no matter it's still pitch black. Now the big thing that makes me feel this way is that when I take a screen shot with steam it takes the photo regardless of how my gamma is set if it's turned to high it will still look as if it's on default settings but that's not what I'm seeing on my screen if I take a screenshot with shadow play it's pitch black but if I take a windows screenshot it sees exactly how it looks on my screen with the gamma I think something between these states is messing up. It seems as if some of the parts of the scene are being affected by the gamma adjustment where as others aren't. Maybe that's why even with gamma cranked and the whites are so blindingly bright I still see the her effects with the low gamma. Idk just an idea also thanks for the help I really appreciate it you guys are doing a a great job I'm so excited for the future of this project this game is gonna change the entire landscape of Vidya. Have a great weekend.
Yeah it started right after .60 or .61 did the change to correct the issue with being able to see fire and torches through buildings. You remember you used to not be able to.see right past the lighted area of a campfire thats whats happening to me during daylight and its right about the time the campfire fixed I would say I noticed this. I really wish I could find the words to describe what is happening it's really bright and really dark at the same time. To see I to woods I have to go into the bushes to make my screen completely black then when I look away it goes really dark and fades to light then im able see into the woods this weekend I will try to setup something to record my screen. I've tried 3 different displays since yesterday and reinstalled game and windows and replaced game config files I've tried it all now. I don't know what happened but no other game does this they all look the same as they always did but dayz the only one i play constantly. I have talked to quite a few people who have the same effects I'm dealing with and most have either given up or switch servers at full noon. If I play at night or dawn and dust everything is beautiful. Is there anyway to disable hdr it's just too aggressive.
Apr 20 2017
I hear ya about that's how it's supposed to function but it's not the same as it was I can't even see into the woods anymore from the lighted area. I actually went and got my eyes checked becuase it's physically making me that uncomfortable i have tears in my eyes when I play this game now and unfortunately I didn't play any other game to see that it was I only this game I thought my eyes went from perfect to really messed up in a couple weeks time. It wasn't until I left the eye doctor and tried a bunch of other game that I realized it's just dayz. If I'm in a shadow and move out of it it's like a wave of dark to light back to dark goes over the entire screen and it defocused the entine screen and makes identifying anything impossible. If I stand on the edge of the woods in full daylight I used to be able to see all the way into the woods now I can't see past the shadow edge until I go Into the trees an make my screen entirely dark then it fades to light and I can see again. Arma 2 did this to an extent but nothing like making me physically uncomfortable. I have 1500 hours and never had a problem till the last 200 and I can't play the game anymore be used of it and I was putting in 5-7 hours a day before.
Apr 19 2017 Quality sucks and this isn't the best example but its all i could get that wasnt black sorry. Thanks
I would love to record a video with shadowplay I've been trying to get it to work since .60 but it's so dark you can't see anything. Everyone has these videos with this alt tab work around and all that does for me is make my gamma slider work I still can't record it's basically a black screen with a slight outline of what's happening. I've reinstalled dayz and just recently wiped my pc and started fresh and I still have the same issue with both the out of control over exposure and the shadowplay recordings. The game looks amazing anytime it's not full daylight but during full daylight any movement from dark to light makes this overexposure thing happens. It's like at night when someone is holding a flare and you can't see anything past the flare even though you should be able to see everything around you.
Apr 18 2017
Apr 13 2017
Mar 29 2017
Okay, I just updated to the latest Nvidia drivers then set my global video card selection to auto and changed the DayZ 64 game profile back to auto and rebooted and DayZ 64 did load the Nvidia card without any input from me. Looks like this fixed the issue for me, thanks!
Feb 10 2017
Okay I just dug a little deeper into this and it seems as if you can either let nvidia update the driver themselves to include the profile for the game or you can link one of a few library's or to export a NvOptimusEnablement variable in your program
Yes I also have geforce experience installed and updated to the latest version, also the nvidia and Intel graphics drivers are at the latest versions as well.
Feb 8 2017
Okay here is the DxDiag
I'm sorry I meant to provide you with a dxdiag from mine as well, I'll be home in the next hour and will update but until then I will shed some light on my system and what is happening. This only occurs on my laptop which has a GTX 870 as well as onboard Intel HD video using what Nvidia calls Optimus technology it runs the Intel HD for all normal windows operations but when you launch a game or any graphic intensive application it switches on the fly from using the onboard Intel HD video to the discrete GeForce card to save battery when just doing normal things you don't need the horsepower for. So normally any program that uses any intensive graphic will automatically switch from the Intel to the GeForce card with no input from the user as it's launched which is how the 32b version of DayZ works you can install the game run it first time and it loads using GeForce graphics but the 64b version doesn't when you open it for the first time it doesn't switch to the GeForce it leaves the PC running on the Intel HD. To remedy this in the Nvidia control panel for Optimus enabled cards there is an option on each individual program installed so you can choose what graphics cards it will run from its under 3D settings the same place you would go to choose to enable or disable AA at the driver level for each game. This setting is set as Intel HD by default for the 64b version of DayZ so until you manually go in and change it your gonna use the Intel graphics, which is strange because this isn't normal behavior normally any directx game switches automatically. I have over 200 PC games and DayZ 64b is one of only 3 I've had to do this with. I will be home in a few I will get that dxdiag up right away. And thanks for the great work I love the game I cant get enough to 1600 hours and still eager to play like my first.
Dec 8 2016
Yup I had to do this as well on the first run soon as I booted I had no shadow play icons I knew it was running Intel not Nvidia graphics. Also another thing to keep in mind is with the 64 bit client shadow play records into a folder called steam apps 64 or something like that not the normal day folder so if you think your recordings are missing just look for the only crazy named folder that's it.
No way he explained it like a professional. I actually recorded video of this happening from just a few mins ago but it's so dark on shadow play you can't see anything. Also a little earlier I got knocked out by a guy I just helped and he stole my bag and left me his with most of my ammo and stuff in it but when I went to open a box of 22 to load my amphibia and get revenge all I got was a piece of paper no ammo came out of the box so now I'm wondering if that ammo went into his bag.
what you all have been using trackir in .61? Lat version it worked for me was .59
Dec 7 2016
Dec 2 2016
Some updates happen without wipes because the update wasn't dealing with something that was tied to persistence but if they are updating something that is tied to persistence a wipe will happen. It's not a bug every time they update they post on twitter and facebook whether it will wipe chars or not just like they did today when they said this update will wipe chars, but when they say it wont it doesn't. EXP is here for testing you can expect constant updates and game breaking bugs you really shouldn't expect your char to last longer than the time you are connected for so when you play on EXP play like it doesnt matter and your gonna lose everything anyway and you'll save alot of stress.
Nov 18 2016
I've had this happen to me with seven different barrels now, two of them just this morning. They teleport back to original spawn location with all your loot in them within about 30 mins. I've only had one barrel that stayed where I put it and that was the first one I tried hiding in .61 all others have moved.
Nov 5 2016
Oct 3 2016
Aug 26 2016
Just spawned naked with nothing but an m4 with no attachments.
Jun 25 2016
Jun 4 2016
May 26 2016
May 11 2016
Will do thanks for responding. Have a great day!
I have another clipping video too of a cabin in Nadezhdino I didnt get a chance to post it yet should i just post a new report of can you take care of it from here?
I second this especially if you pick up a gun from the ground of the new barracks put it directly on your back while you already have one on your back the one on your back will drop to the ground and show there in inventory for a second then it will disappear and sometimes you can find it outside sometimes you cant. The last time it happened I lost a mosin and I did a grid search of every square inch of floor inside and out of the barracks building and I couldn't find it but 90% of times it will be right on the side of the building.
This happen to me but I noticed that when you have a gun shouldered and one in your hand and you drag the shouldered gun to your hands to switch weapons the gun in your hands always drops on the ground. Used to be the gun in your hands would then be on your shoulder but that's now the case anymore so anytime you switch weapo@s you have to pick the gun that was in your hands off the ground now.
Yeah read some of the status reports the gate house and jail were all stripped of loot a few weeks ago do to some sort of glitching. Here is the info
Yeah ive done this a bunch of times too but this is different than usual they are gone i didnt move while eating any of the times and i spent 10 minutes doing a grid search of the are they arn't there anymore. Normally I find them on the ground these guns are gone also right after i posted this i had another 357 magnum in a barrel and when i went back it was gone but i couldnt ut anything in the spots wher it was but i could move the barrel still and an hour later i went back to the barrel and the magnum was there. Something is up with the magnums
Yup I have started checking my tapping tab everything I vault now just to make sure im still holding my gun.
May 10 2016
This and a way to view the Login notes lots of servers say join the teamspeak but the MOTD passes by so fast there is no possible way to get see the IP
This has to be the worst of the glitches I dont even get off a ladder unless I can see something I need its just not worth it. 1 out of 10 times getting back down a ladder i fall through the floor.