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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 2:53 PM (585 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Happening very often to me. I'm also in Aus.
Have experienced this many times, accurate description.
dumb idea and you're dumb
horrible idea and totally defeats the purpose of teaming up / being friendly
broken leg
Happens whether standing, crouched or prone and only when the weapon is raised.
Just happened to me again while running with a mosin raised
@timmyboy04 That doesn't prevent it unfortunately.
Also doesn't matter whether your fists are raised or lowered, it still happens.
I had it happen 5 times in a row in a short period yesterday while trying to run north from Berezino to the ship wreck (but about 100m inland). Logged out in frustration.
Logged in again today and tried the same thing and it happened again. Logged out again in frustration.
On both occasions the servers were highly populated and hosted by Multiplay (MPGS) but I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it.
I've had this happen many times while running a reasonable distance, it is incredibly annoying.
There is a bug. Sometimes the step over animation happens instead of the leap when sprinting with fists lowered.
Unconsciousness should last at very most 30 seconds IMO. Passing out for any amount of time longer than this just makes playing the game one massive waste of time. Players very regularly get knocked unconscious in fights and as it is currently unconscious = dead.
The negative mouse accel is the biggest problem, aiming feels so damn clunky when your turning speed is capped to a horribly low rate