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- Apr 2 2015, 8:13 PM (518 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
Hmm, could be. I think i had a rifle with no ammo on the back, so the ranged back spot was taken. I will try to test it again.
i haven't seen a damn rain drop since the .55 update, not once. Eugen also confirmed that its a bug.
like i said, enough of the easy mode. Most Players would join a 24/7 day server, no rain and loot explosions in every house.
yeah, but its boring and too easy all the time ;) It just doesn't fit the setting very well.
confirmed, its hardcore bugged atm....items disappearing left and right, sometimes they get teleported away, about 10 meters.
can confirm this bug. Sometimes items disappear when putting them on the ground. At one instance i took some boots off, put them on the ground, they disappeared. after leaving the building they were outside on the ground.
Also when crafting and you have no free space in the inventory, items disappear.
can confirm.
its confirmed, they will fix it in .56
i played a bit after the rollback to the placeholder loot system. no rain.
is there a devpost about this? or just your thoughts?
Nah, weather will play a role if you like it or not. I just wonder where the hell the rain went, they didn't even mention it one time.
This is Chernarus not Summer in Greece.
You can't get cold now, only if you take a swim. Rain coats are worthless, just more easy mode stuff.
yep, i also reported it. no answer...
since 0.55 rain is disabled
same, since .56 exp, also no launch parameters.
i also reported this, dev could not reproduce the bug. But its definitely there.
head shots still kill with one hit. i sneak around with an Amphibia S pistol, caliber .22 and zombies still drop after one headshot, even soldier zeds. maybe a desync/lag problem?
I disagree, there are alot of players who love the update and the higher difficulty, it has its problems, it just needs some tinkering. Adapt to beeing more stealthy, don't just sprint around everywhere guns blazing. They still can be easily killed 1on1 with melee if you know what your doing.
cool idea!
can be closed, hand drill is implemented in .56 exp
i just found a confirmation that they are working on an alternative:
"Valdark, on 02 Apr 2015 - 8:34 PM, said:
Any chance we will be able to start fires without matches at some point? With less success rate or by eating up kindling perhaps?
I know guys have a plan to do that in the future. It just requires a bit more animation tech on player."
ok, maybe in the next update...would help tremendously in .55 tough ;)
i like the scarcity, just give them time to adjust the loot settings. Try hunting, picking apples/berries, farming in the meantime. Fishing is bugged currently.
Just try to adjust, dont sprint everywhere, it consumes more energy. Unlimited supplies of peaches and spaghetti isn't the answer here, just let them tinker on settings.