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- User Since
- Mar 11 2013, 9:10 PM (620 w, 5 d)
Oct 22 2018
I found this also in MP when being shot in the legs would always return arms even when naked
Dec 14 2017
I understand that and its the end of the year but i don't get why this was closed and marked as resolved when its clearly not resolved
So this is the official bis stance on this you make a change that brakes every user created aircraft in the game and you close the ticket as resolved rather then asking the coders what they changed so that the community can fix there content to bring it inline with your changes. Also as a note there is no changes in the spotrep for fixedwings in regards to Physics i belive the issue stems from this tweak
Tweaked: Physics handling of all land vehicles was overhauled
What we need is to know what you guys changed so we can adjust our content to fit
Dec 13 2017
Why im posting is to find out what you guys changed to break all addons in the 1.79 update so i can contact the devs including myself so we can fix this issue as it has to be a engine change as i have all the configs and models versioned and did not see any changes
Nov 24 2017
yep getting same after 12h of uptime
Sep 6 2017
Apr 4 2017
May 10 2016
with my above fix it corrected the issue
and no i can use anything to launch it
any clue as to why this only effects a handfull of players?
- change malloc to Malloc to tcmalloc_bi
- run game (it will crash saying out of memory)
- change malloc to nedmalloc_bi
- run game (for me loaded fine tested on bornhome frames seemed fine)
- change malloc back to system
- run game (for me loaded fine tested on bornhome frames seemed fine)
OK the problem seams to be with pbo project as i can compile a version of the island with addon builder and get no errors but i also get no map markers
with or with out the batch file it no longer crashs but the FPS is stupid low in dev and stable unlike 1.42
ill give it a run on altis now
Altis video
ok on altis the low fps is gone this is very strange do you have any clue what has changed in 1.44 compared to 1.42
11:40 is the second part of the video after update to 1.42
yes on
DEV and stable i get 10FPS
on 1.42 i get 60+FPS in the editor
The crash seams to have been fixed but the low fps is very strange and there is nothing out the norm in the RPT
Bornholm as thats all i use but in 1.42 there is no issue on the same map
would giving you remote access to my pc help any
no thats how i do it also but via a batch file i found what was causeing the lockup on both 1.42 and 1.44 and dev. but now im back to the original issue with it running at 10FPS max but so far its not crashed however if i go to 1.42 i get 60+fps with the same code/setup ill make a video as prof
i wish i could but the people that have had this issue have all left my community last week and moved onto GTA5
is there anything else i can do from my end as its strange that 1.42 works perfectly fine
im just reinstalling A3 as it corrupted my whole install as i got a bsod while going from dev to 1.42 then ill make a video of how im setup
this is what im saying for 90% people there is no issue at all hence why players can go on the server this issue seams to be an issue with just a handful of player/devs. this is also why i have been so annoyed with it as i can run 1.42 with no issues at all but as soon as i go on the so called stable or dev branch i get lockups and crashs
Command line
"E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" "-par=parfile2extDB.par"
class Arg
mission="C:\Users\karl\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\ArMaTeC\missions\citylife3_v1.Bornholm\mission.sqm";
ive attached the mission file also note that since yesterdays dev update it no longer crash's but locks up when loading in the mission from the editor
im packing up the public side of the mod for you but i cant give you the server side code as i know its not that due to the fact i cant even join the dedicated server and i would be only running the client code.
Sorry if it sounds like im giving up but 3 weeks with no arma makes me very very unhappy
what code do you require?
[10:20:26] David Foltyn:
find this callstack:
waitUntil{!(isNil "cl3mod_fshopattacmentoptimize")};
- call cl3mod_fshopattacmentoptimize;
[10:20:26] David Foltyn: find
if(isClass _class) then
... that's where it seems crashing
[10:22:09] Karl (ⓐⓡⓜⓐⓣⓔⓒ):
[10:22:51] Karl (ⓐⓡⓜⓐⓣⓔⓒ): works with no issue on 1.42
if i then remove the
if(isClass _class) then
the game loads but with a max of 10 fps and with 1.42 game loads with no issue at all and 60+ fps
well you might as well close this then as there is no way im sending anyone my/teams last 10 years work. hope you all the best but im gonna call it a day with arma and build my own engine and you guys totally screwed me over with your so called stable update and the only way to solve this is to give some guy at bis all my/teams hard work.
This is crazy
any chance of a clue as to what is causing the crash so i can fix it if its myend
hello is there any one there
Any update on this?
do you know when as its been 3 weeks and i run a community that is getting annoyed that i cant work on the mod
added yet another crash dump would love to get some clues as to the cause as i have tried everything i can now and im at a loss. please note that there was no issue at all pre 1.44
also crashs on the dev branch
wont happen without mods but also wont happen if i uninstall the 1.44 update
added another crash log
more control over RTD defo needed
more control over RTD defo needed
what would be nice would be to have some more info on the object so we can try and help you guys locate what the cause is
gotta say i would love a transport version of this also
good news thanks iceman
nice will it be in dev in todays update?
its not down to mods at all as i also tested this on a bare bones server also with the same results i'm uploading both perspectives now
yes this only happens in MP on a dedicated
ill try running like that but this error was a one off and has not happened again yet but i will try with no parameters
What do you mean by starting parameters?
player action ["Gear", objNull];
this works nice now this can be closed
any news on this
_Hideoutbox = createVehicle ["Library_WeaponHolder",getpos player,[],0,"none"];
player action ["Gear", _Hideoutbox];
deletevehicle _Hideoutbox;
best work around so far just need to get rid of the crate option
yet it allows you to pick up items why the are you even commenting go hi jack your own reports
Any update on this from BIS?
That's not how it works in A2 in A2 you issue player action["GEAR",player] and it opens the BIS inventory screen the same should happen in A3 as the menu "should" autodetect the items on the floor in order to fill the "on ground" option in the dropdown combo box. Either this is a bug or a new action is needed to open the inventory.
I strongly believe that as this action has different effects on 2 version of the same engine it would count this as a bug as it should work the same as if you where pressing the hotkey for your inventory in stock A3.
yes i know it is but the function should work the same as it dose in A2
player action ["Gear","GroundWeaponHolder" createVehicle position player];
player action ["Gear", objNull];
they work but do not show items that are on the ground
player action ["Gear", player];
loads the players gear + what's on the deck
what i feel it should load is the players gear menu as normal but also what is on the ground as that is how it functions in A2 and should do the same for A3
Any news on this I'm kinda dependent on this
here ya go this will repack and compress all mags
_compressFirst =
_array = _this;
_fullmags = [];
_usedmags = [];
_mag = _x select 0; _ammo = _x select 1; _loaded = _x select 2; _fullammo = getNumber(configFile>>"CfgMagazines">>_mag>>"count"); if(_ammo == _fullammo)then { _fullmags set[count _fullmags,[_mag, _ammo]]; }else{ _usedmags set[count _usedmags,[_mag, _ammo]]; };
}forEach _array;
_repacked = [];
_maglist = [];
_mag = _x select 0; _ammo = _x select 1; if((_maglist find _mag) > -1)then { _curcount = (_repacked select (_maglist find _mag)) select 1; (_repacked select (_maglist find _mag)) set[1, _curcount + _ammo]; }else{ _maglist set[count _maglist, _mag]; _repacked set[count _repacked, [_mag, _ammo]]; }; //diag_log _x;
}forEach _usedmags;
_mag = _x select 0; _ammo = _x select 1; _fullammo = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _mag >> "count"); _fullmagscount = 0; _cl = 0; _ammoOriginal = _ammo; for [{_i = 0},{_i <= _ammoOriginal},{_i = _i + 1}] do { if(_cl == _fullammo)then { _fullmagscount = _fullmagscount + 1; _ammo = _ammo - _fullammo; _cl = 0; }; _cl = _cl + 1; }; for [{_i = 0},{_i <= _fullmagscount},{_i = _i + 1}] do { _fullmags set[count _fullmags,[_mag, _fullammo]]; }; if(_ammo > 0)then { _fullmags set[count _fullmags,[_mag, _ammo]]; };
}forEach _repacked;
_magazines = ((magazinesAmmoFull player) call _compressFirst);
cant wait to fly again yay
@kadams587 this workaround did not work for me
any news on this one? IE is it being worked on if you can't repo it ill give BIS remote desktop to my pc so you can look at the issue first hand
- Load my game
- Load editor
- Put down a chopper
- Fly with joystick
- Check settings all there and working
- Load my game
- Load an MP mission
- Get in a chopper
- Fly with joystick nothing happens
- Check settings everything has vanished
for me what is strange is i'm only affected in MP i can use my stick perfectly fine in SP in the editor it even shows up in the options and i can open close it as much as i wish but as soon as i go into MP my stick vanishes from any ingame menus and simple does not work.
I've tried all ove the above steps with the usb power management and so on with no luck at all.
if there is anything i can do to help you pin point the issue please let me know as i would really love to fly again in arma without using my mouse and keys
yer would like to see this fixed also its crap to have rotor lib and no joystick due to this bug
same issue for me also works find in SP but when joining a direct ip server it stops working
just put a SDV in on a mp mission
yer we get this when ever we use the SDV its quite annoying