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Jun 20 2014, 9:28 PM (560 w, 6 d)

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May 11 2016

V1ruS added a comment to T105539: MP-133 inflicts low damage on low range.

Yeah, I also think the MP-133 is noticeably underpowered. For balance it should be more lethal at close range and less effective at long range (though real shotguns have a far longer ranger than in most video games).

May 11 2016, 2:24 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T104788: [PRIMARY REPORT] Items dropped on ground during usage of another item are not returned into hands properly.

In addition ti this issue, there is a general problem with items that you find not being able to be picked up unless you do the follwing:

  1. While the loot item is visible in the inventory interface, drag it to the edge as if to "drop" it.
  1. The item now disappears and gets relocated to close by areas.

For example, if you find an SKS on experimental, you might have to hunt for it around a house if you want to be able to pick it up. Sometimes the item just disappears.

May 11 2016, 1:53 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T104499: Fireplace cooking time is ridiculous.
  • Fair enough about doing other things, but IMHO this would greatly benefit from steaks not burning as fast as they do now.
  • At present the fires in DayZ do not light up from that far away to present a serious risk to the player, but could be improved. However, hunting and cooking steaks also need to have a greater reward attached to it (as other kinds of food is plentiful and meat gives you no additional buffs).
  • Could we please drop the "COD kids with ADD want instant gratification" bullshit? I am most certainly not a kid, and whether or not I appreciate patience depends on what mechanisms and rewards there is in place for it. Hunting by itself requires patience, but is rewarding - you have to find the right supplies and go after animals in the environment. All of which is fun because it's interactive.

Besides, most other activities in DayZ use a compressed timescale. Plucking apples/filling the water bottle in the rain/eating itself etc.

Why should cooking steaks be real time as an exception?

May 11 2016, 1:43 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T104499: Fireplace cooking time is ridiculous.

The "watch the steaks cook" thing is no different than watching paint dry, which I'm sure is not interesting either from an attention span point of view.

Looking at in terms of attention span, it has to be worth paying attention TO. Which it doesn't, since there is A) no interactivity and B) no progression going on with the cooking itself.

Nice straw man, btw.

EDIT: From a game design perspective, it also doesn't really make sense. In an RPG for example, you are doing other things while an ability such as a spell is on a cooldown - you are not required to stare at a timer the whole time. And in DayZ, when you grow tomatoes there is no "fail point" where you must pluck the tomatoes out of the ground before they go bad.

The combination of long cooking time, nothing else to do related to cooking, and most crucially, a requirement to make sure the steaks don't burn makes for a dull experience.

May 11 2016, 1:43 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T104499: Fireplace cooking time is ridiculous.

It might seem fine if you always cook meat together with friends and use that time to chat and do other things. I don't mind it that much when I play with a group.

But it's completely different when playing by yourself - just sitting by the fire and doing nothing but watch steaks.

May 11 2016, 1:43 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T104499: Fireplace cooking time is ridiculous.

Upvoted for visibilty.

It really seems quite strange that cooking steaks take about 8-10 minutes in real time, while growing tomatoes takes much less.

The long cooking times really puts me off hunting IMHO.

May 11 2016, 1:43 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T104003: [PRIMARY REPORT] Automatic movement, character does not respond to controls.

No issue for me, the problems seems to be fixed with the latest exp update.

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T104003: [PRIMARY REPORT] Automatic movement, character does not respond to controls.

Confirmed. Seems to also get worse the longer a server is running, at least for me.

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

@Euphoria: I have a lot of respect for somebody who is open to changing his opinion on an issue. Kudos to you!

I too wish for a demanding game that forces you to move around in search of supplies and food (current stable is way too easy). I even want weapon degradation and extreme ammo scarcity, as that would force decisions like "will my ammo be enough to take these bandits out?" and "this pristine hunting rifle, or this damaged AK" etc.

Balance is key though, and that's where we the alpha-players come in.

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

The main problem is that starvation (and dehydration) happens too fast.

A better solution for survival oriented gameplay would be to keep around the current metabolism of players, but drastically reduce the spawn rates of food itself.

The way it currently works on exp .50 is neither realistic nor exciting.

EDIT: Loot distribution and respawning seem to be worsening the problem. Current character of mine is clinging to life by server hopping between high density areas.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
V1ruS edited Steps To Reproduce on T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.
May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.

Anyone else getting SERIOUS performance issues with .50 Stable, even though the "Nintendo 64" graphics problem has been solved?

Before on my system (i7 4770k, GTX 780Ti, 16 GB, Win 7 64Bit) I used to get approximately 60-80 FPS in the countryside, and around 40 FPS in the larger cities. Settings on mostly high.

Now? 35-45 FPS in the countryside, 20-25 FPS in places like Novo, Cherno and Severo. Horrific performance and just about unplayable. What are the causes of this? The latest update is the worst in months regarding performance.

Hope this gets fixed soon.

EDIT: Seems this is related to the server being under a lot of strain due to the bugged "lootsplosion" problem - when the maintenance hit stable today my FPS problems were gone.

May 11 2016, 1:04 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.

Andy, for me the issue has been solved, but the client crashes has replaced this problem in the latest experimental build.

The possible causes of the performance issues that I can surmise:

  1. the "memalloc=system" launch parameter causing problems, as that fixed the issue for me when removed.
  1. 32-bit vs 64-bit, and how memory might be handled. I'm on a 64-bit OS.
  1. DayZ servers and a change in their memory use.

I notice that when before I would get a 3-5 sec slowdown followed by an extreme graphics downgrade, now I get that slowdown and it returns to normal instead.

Does the new experimental update change something that helps with this issue?

May 11 2016, 1:04 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.

Nope, 64 bit. Don't just copy my parameters for your game, google a guide to know what your system options are.

Interesting bug this one - seems like the server is flushing or updating assets on the client or something. Would like to know more from developers what this might be caused by.

May 11 2016, 1:03 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.

These are my launch parameters:

-cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=8192 -maxVram=3072 -world=ChernarusPlus -nosplash -noPause

cpu count is 4 for quad core CPUs, exthreads for program threads, maxmem is the amount of RAM DayZ should use, maxvram is GPU memory, and the rest just to speed up game load.

If you still have problems, look into a guide on how to set up these options for optimal game performance. These settings combined with the "Auto" video memory size in the options menu gives me no issues with graphics.

May 11 2016, 1:03 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.

Confirmed. Had this issue every 5 min while playing on a max pop experimental server last night.

It's the worst bug in DayZ for me so far.

May 11 2016, 1:03 AM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.


It was as Jurvei said, -malloc=system is a launch paramater that does not work with the latest updates.

I still get the 2 sec slowdowns occasionally, but instead of messing up the graphics the game returns to normal.

May 11 2016, 1:03 AM · DayZ
V1ruS edited Steps To Reproduce on T102731: (Experimental) Clothes mended by sewing kit not looking fixed in inventory.
May 11 2016, 12:39 AM · DayZ
V1ruS edited Steps To Reproduce on T102730: (Experimental) Character model constantly moving mouth.
May 11 2016, 12:39 AM · DayZ
V1ruS edited Steps To Reproduce on T102035: Trying to put a scope on a sawed off Mosin makes it disappear.
May 11 2016, 12:14 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

V1ruS edited Steps To Reproduce on T100908: (Experimental) - Dean Hall skin's hair clips through baseball cap.
May 10 2016, 11:36 PM · DayZ
V1ruS edited Steps To Reproduce on T100680: Experimental - primary attack stops working.
May 10 2016, 11:28 PM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T100384: Wooden floor canvas tents no longer spawn items.

Can confirm, wooden floor = no loot.

May 10 2016, 11:18 PM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T99378: Invisible and random broken arm(s) on server join - possible cause of weapon sights sway/jitter.

Edited once more for clarity.

May 10 2016, 10:45 PM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T99378: Invisible and random broken arm(s) on server join - possible cause of weapon sights sway/jitter.

Edited for clarity.

May 10 2016, 10:45 PM · DayZ
V1ruS edited Steps To Reproduce on T99378: Invisible and random broken arm(s) on server join - possible cause of weapon sights sway/jitter.
May 10 2016, 10:45 PM · DayZ
V1ruS added a comment to T93359: [Suggestion] Guilt / Paranoia for murder.



Anything that tampers with the core tenet of DayZ - unpredictability and amorality - should be kept far, far away from the game. Fortunately, Rocket himself is firmly against such ideas and has said so numerous times.

EDIT: I may have come across as harsh here, but the fact is that the very core of what makes DayZ Standalone a harrowing, intense experience is its state as an "anti-game". At no point are you ever told or driven towards any specific choices or play styles, and it is up to the player to act in any way he or she sees fit.

I was afraid that this was going to happen. DayZ must not lose the very thing that sets it apart. Yes, the game can be very frustrating and unfair, but that is why it is special.

May 10 2016, 7:16 PM · DayZ